Weather-- High in 60's??

So the forecast has the high in the 60’s and lows in the 30’s all next weekend? Could this be right?? This will be my 6th Bluegrass and I’ve never experienced temps that low. HALP we need to know what to pack!

I just called up the meteorologists and told them they need to change their predictions ASAP because papalegba47 doesn’t know what to pack.

very funny

You must have JUST missed the snow year! the last few years have been nice and warm (relatively speaking). Pack those winter hats, coats, gloves and long johns. 60s during the day should be excellent. I expect the forecast to change over the next week. we’ll see what happens.

Hi Papa! :wave
The list from Yojo is always coming with me. You know how it cools down at night. Yes, we’ve had some warmer years recently but you need to come prepared for all seasons every year! Bring good stuff, not cotton. You might just need to drink more and hang out in the evenings at the camps that have heat in their shelters. On the other hand, tarp line sitting will be fun :eek Maybe we’ll have to have some Frog brought over from RaM !! :jester

What everyone else said :wink: From someone who has spent several Junes at the South Pole where there always was a minus sign in front of our 60º temps, it will be absolutely balmy. Yes, I’m bringing woolies :peace

The tarp line is always a good time!

Sometimes, weather forcast can be inaccurate. :lol

The Blues & Brews festival was last weekend & the weather mostly “cooperated”; however, even with B+ weather relative to the time of year, it was still a VERY noticeable difference compared to the average weather @ Bluegrass.

The closing acts all wound up starting around 8pm … and at that point, it was as if it were 10pm for TBF, but with an even greater bite from the cold. Most notably: the acts prior to the closers that went on around 6pm … which was markedly different than 6pm @ TBF! Instead of being a “sweet spot” where you get relief from the heat/sun of the day and the air is still comfortably warm, it’s just about the time where things turn south and quickly starts to get cold. Luckily, it didn’t rain all the time, but it did rain here and there … mostly nothing too bad in terms of getting drenched, but it certainly added a “bite” to the pre-existing condition of colder air. Had to retreat indoors a couple of times to regroup. If it were this weekend, it’d be at least two notches worse … with even colder air and even more rain.

On average, the summer solstice weekend is by far the best in terms of festival weather. I find it interesting how the whole quasi-grandfathering of Telluride’s existing summer calendar of festivals has been able to continue without any “backlash” with respect to promoters jockeying for the best slots pertaining to differences in weather throughout the season. Perhaps the whole “grandfathering” is a house of cards to begin with, so nobody really wants to rock the boat and lose “a” (festival) slot to begin with … let alone try to shuffle the deck in hopes of an upgrade.

If the Town of Telluride were to approach the allocation of festival slots with a more pure free market & paradigm, I could see there being an auction being established … perhaps in 3 or 5 year blocks (to promote consistency/certainty). Weather is always going to be a crap shoot, but clearly the summer solstice weekend would have the highest desireability and might garner the biggest revenue stream … that is, if the town were to approach it in such a way.

^ having said all of that (sorry to be “longwinded” LS :flower), it’s clear that the TBF clearly has the best “value” of all the major Telluride music festivals in terms of both cost per unit of time and ultimately, and BY FAR as a cost per unit of time as a function of “good weather”.

:kiss :kiss :kiss :kiss :kiss :kiss I missed you. :medal

It should also be noted that the “B+ weather” included a complete evacuation of the festival grounds due to an impending lightening storm on Sunday afternoon. They only closed the grounds for about 90 minutes, but I’ve been going to festivals in Telluride for 20 years and I don’t remember them EVER evacuating the grounds before. Oh well, it gave us time for lunch at Tomboy Tavern and we still got to see Drive By Truckers, Magpie Salute and Winwood. It was a great evening!

And you as well, ls :flower

You are most correct about the evacuation! I could maybe drop my overall weather rating to a B- :lol … but was rating it in relative terms for that point in the season. Overall, the weather seemed like a mixed bag to me. But yeah, the evacuation totally threw me for a loop … I had driven into town intending only to catch the 2nd half of Sunday since I was pretty beat from the past few days, but had to “stick it out” far longer than my body wanted to. There was actually an evacuation at Jazz Fest either 2 or 3 years ago. Since it’s not as big, people went inside the pavillion to wait it out … roughly about the same amount of time.

Hugs and sun brother. Where ya been ya long winded bucket of joy and info! :flower

:lol been trying to limit time on internet, too easy to waste time since I work online … but I often relapse! How have you been ls?

I do credit you with my effort to use fewer written words … especially in regard to biz / marketing content. :flower

“The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.” ~Jefferson

Always filled with interesting informative info however so we can handle the wind. never using two words when one will do. Love that. :flower

Is it June yet?

Thanks for using the kid gloves in explaining things :cheers

But for real, it was you who made me aware of it … can’t say I’m always making the grade, but definitely try and also use this new filter to “proofread” biz emails.

One of the things I find interesting is how it sometimes it takes a “leap of faith” to reduce a 10 word sentence down to 4 … in so far having confidence in the choice of fewer words being able to envoke the intended meaning in a more poetic way vs. drawn out description.

Rule #1 NEVER beat around the bush. I am the opposite of you FOM and that is a winning combo. We can learn from one another. :medal

OK there is Cow meaning John Cowan who by the way ROCKS THE HOUSE!!! And then there are cows the ones Ferg milks. :lol

PBG now has a new Farm attached to the Fest area. So its like a Fest Farm. :medal MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :cow

Yeah, I have a habit of being less than direct. Sometimes opposites in such regards do work well together. I believe you’ll find the wildly different literary styles between Adams & Jefferson, yet they seemed to understand one another well enough, if not profoundly, in the end.

Perhaps it’s just one of life’s “illusions” that our lives are really all that much different than animals who happen to be on a farm.

FOM we are all more alike then we may care to admit. The one thing that Fest can teach young and old, tolerance for differences in all of us yet we seek the same experience at Fest. What weather who cares :flower You articulate so beautifully FOM. :medal