Hey everyone. Before I first started going to Telluride, I started checking out posts here, or on the old Forum. When we finally got tickets for Monica’s 40th birthday, I signed up, and like all the newbs started asking questions. So many awesome people, some who are no longer with us, gave us amazing advice, invited us to events and to come visit, and eventually we finally landed in Town Park. Since then we’ve come to know and love so many folks via TBF/Forum/TP and have spent time with folks from TBF in alternate realities outside Telluride!
Seemingly since pandemic times, and definitely after the Forum platform switch, there’s been a decline in activity from a lot of the usual suspects. I’m finding the social media apps where there’s TBF activity is either super private or full of the typical social media BS. So I’m hoping for a revival of the Forum. Should we discuss best chairs, bedding, tarp line, or planning the super secret fun we all love in pre-fest.
Hi my name is Todd and I’m a Telluridaholic, see you in June!
We’re having a camp retreat in February, skiing Monarch on Sunday of Presidents’ Day weekend. We’ll be choosing our food party plans then.
I like brown
Betting Monica does only three frogs. Frogs after midnight don’t count!
Only 5??? Appalling. You weren’t even trying. All heads of camps have a daily required 2 Frog minimum or you return to newbie status and have to camp at Lawson Hill next year.
Todd, I hear where you are coming from. Give you my honest opinion that I have always found this new interface to be a little clumsy. It’s not that intuitive and you really have to poke around toi get to where you want to go. So i really don’t use it as much as I used to. But having said that, am thankful that PB keeps it running.
Meanwhile, I am ready for some frog!
Hi! I am a complete newbie! This will be my first TBF and I am beyond excited!! I would love to see the forum get a little more lively and will
be more than happy to contribute as much a possible (likely in the way of questions, like “Frogs”?).
Thanks for being here. Looking forward to chatting and very much looking forward to meeting folks in person in June!
Frogs, especially the Crunchy kind Run A Muck during Pre-Festival days. They get a little harder to find once the festival main stage kicks off. But, not too much can be said unless you’ve read the disclaimer! But, I’m not an expert, and I’ve found since I first discovered the Frogs on my first Town Park walk-about, that I’ve definitely lost some brain cells since then, so my memories get Froggy!