We are so excited, we accidentally overbought! Also, we need an onsite parking

Both my fiance and I hit send and got academy spots at the same time! We have an extra Dobro and/or Songwriting or FIddle. HMU if you are still looking for an academy spot.
Also, we missed out on the onsite vehicle bundle. Would love to trade or buy your extra!


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The seller is confirmed legit by the mod team.


I will gratefully take the fiddle spot if still available.

Hi Joan! It is definitely still available. Email me at wilsonheath@gmail.com and we can manage the exchange!

Thank you - with helping our son all week (he lost his house in the Altadena fire), I lost track of time!

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UPDATE We now have one extra spot - either Dobro or Songwriting. Thanks All!

Do you still have an Academy fiddle ticket available ? Very interested for my daughter. Thanks, Gary

Hi there! I accidentally overbought as well and have an extra onsite vehicle bundle that I’d love to sell to you. Please let me know if you are interested.

Definitely interested! Message me at wilsonheath@gmail.com and we can work out details!

Hi there! Do you still have a songwriting ticket for Academy? I’d like to pick it up.

Yes, the songwriting pass is still available. Let me know if you want it and we can get the ball rollin!


Hey All! We still have a Songwriting OR a Dobro spot for Academy available! We are covered on our onsite parking now so just want to find that worthy recipient. HMU!

Hi there, I’d love to be a backup to purchase the onsite vehicle if you do not sell it to this person! Thanks!