When does Warner Field open?
Per Planet Bluegrass’s website:
Opens: 9am on Wednesday, June 14
So what are the guidelines and timelines for lining up for the 9am opening at warner field?
In 2015 we got in line at 8 AM and had no problem getting a spot we liked. You could get there later and do just fine, even at 9 there is plenty of space available. No need to get there and wait in line for a long time.
I’m slightly confused… camping opens at 9 am Wednesday for Warner Field? If this is the case, why have I kept hearing that camping opened on Saturday? Sorry if this is a super silly question - I’m just en route from Portland, OR at the moment and this new info may change some of my itinerary on the way.
There are different campgrounds that open at different times.
Town Park opened on Saturday.
Warner is the baseball field right beside town park, which opens on Wednesday.