Warner Field tickets

A friendly heads-up…

Warner Field camping passes are going to sell out this afternoon. We have less than 30 left. :eek

While they last, they’re available online at shop.bluegrass.com or over the phone (800-624-2422).

Spread the word if you know anyone who was planning on waiting to buy their Warner Field tickets.


Many thanks for the reminder - whew! :eek

:thumbsup :cheers

That was a close one.

Warner Field is now sold out. :eek

edit: there is a whole lot of “:eek ing” going on in this thread. :lol


Sorry, couldn’t resist.

Stink! I didn’t get this memo either!

Oh well…we’ll see what comes up in the next year

:eek :eek
What a busy morning it must have been… My new friend did make it through, but alas I could not get through the traffic on my little ole “ranch exit” on this information highway. I’m sure Run a Muck will be looking for some town park tix after the dust settles. Keep us in mind, with your extra Town Park passes.


and now the Real Groveling Begins …
Btw weres my beer …???

So stoked!!! Got my two!! Festivaaaaaaalllll!!! :slight_smile:

I’m gonna just have to rely on good karma. I turned in my laptop for a new one, was out of commission for a bit and completly spaced it… What a fool… :ball I really dropped the ball.
But I will keep the faith :flower
H- 303-642-0364 W-303-642-7036 Please call if you have 2 Warner Tickets to sell .

:fish :fish :fish :fish :fish I’m STILL GOIN!ONE WAY OR ANOTHER! :horsey :horsey

I dont know where is your Beer? I know maybe it is in the bottle still, or have you tried the keg. Maybe what you are referring to is plural Beer. In that case maybe you drank it and just forgot.

Got mine!!! :thumbsup

Can’t wait to join in some camp pickin’

Still looking for 2 Warner tickets…(just reply to this post to get in touch) just realizing I won’t be able to pick or play with my new friends if I can’t fix this stupid move … tarp stratagies have to be replanned for sure…

Looking for a Warner field ticket! I was out of town when these went on sale. Please help, or send me in the direction of someone who has one for sale!

Thank you so much,

Oh well, that settles it. We are going to Palisade the week before instead. I need a change.

cause ya just never know when it is worth mentioning or not…but I could use a couple warner field tix! call if you got a lead on them and know that whoever has them doesn’t want to waste time looking for a buyer!
