Warner Field Load-In

Any changes this year? (Link to the Camper’s Guide (https://bluegrass.com/telluride/sustainable-festivation/telluride-campers-guide) isn’t working and I’m about to hit the road and have sketchy internet access for a few days)

Same question! I am having a hard time finding the load-in instructions online (the link they emailed me with the tix is not working). I’ll be in WF for the first time and not sure how it all works. Does anyone know the right link to the WF instructions? Thanks everyone! Let’s boogy.

:wave Hi, I’ve volunteered for the Warner Field Camping Load-in in the past several years (and will this year too)…so if its the same PB procedure as the last few years, I’d recommend getting wristbanded early if you can ~ before Wednesday, IF location in the outfield is important to you and crew (left field shade, upwind of portalets etc.) This will save you time since you can’t unload without BOTH a WF wristband and a paper “unloading?” ticket that’s given to you that morning.

Cars will be staged in order along Main Street (Colorado Ave, Hwy 145) heading up valley along the far side of the road. Staff or volunteers in safety vest will assist if the end of car line is not clear. Some cars will be “in line” Tuesday night but most line up Wednesday morning. The main rush will last only 30-45 minutes.

The least painless way to do this unload is to have one person in your camp run the tarp(s)ONLY (no gear) to your grassy location and have the other crew drive in with your gear. You are alloted 20 mins to unload, this will be denoted on your windshield with a black dry-erase marker. I believe the unload ticket is needed to unload your gear onto the field. Unload your gear completely and move your car. At this point it’s possible we will still park festivarians on Main Street and certainly at Carhenge. Stop on the vehicle bridge and we will tell you where we are currently parking guests.

This unload can be a bit chaotic since the park is still open to the public until that afternoon, Town Park campers are still coming in, service vendors are accessing backstage etc. Most guests will be unloaded along the right field fence along the yellow curb and some temporary parking in front of the Park & Rec office adjacent to the swimming pool. Again, staff and volunteers will be available to assist you. We will only allow 10-15 or so vehicles cross the bridge at one time since the road to backstage/Town Park camping must remain unblocked. As guests leave we allow new unloaders to drive to the Warner unloading area.

Be thoughtful that handicap parking (Lot A) and Park & Rec staff parking is also in this area and should be avoided for Warner unloading.

If you are a arriving Town Park camper caught in the Warner land rush…make sure you let the staff on the vehicle bridge know when you enter Town Park as you will be directed to different unloading area(s) in Town Park…you do not want to unload near Warner Field if camping in Town Park.

Ask a volunteer or staff if you have questions…we are here to help your festivation experience be a most positive one!


PK that’s a lot of good info. Quick question to follow up, getting in at 2 or so on Wednesday is it still easy to find a spot for a couple of tents and sun shade? We didn’t arrive last year until Thursday late night and could barely find a spot at Lawson Hill.

:wave Snowvols: The main push on Warner will be that first hour for select spots along the outfield fencing and late afternoon shade in left & centerfield field. I think the tents will be much easier to place than a canopy, ideally you can make more efficient use of space by placing your sunshade next to a new neighbor(s) (unless your’e sleeping under the canopy). EZ-Up type pop-ups can gobble up precious grassy real estate since many guests pack them in for self-shade.

Don’t forget to get wrist-banded at the Box Office first.

The next rush will be Wed. late afternoon/early-mid evening when CO Front Range-rs start rolling in, same as Town Park campers. Many of these folks have spots set-up for them already by a friend(s) arriving previously.

Definitely an opportunity to make new life long festivarian friends, have a great festival!


Approx. how many people camp in Warner Field?
Also, what time does land rush start?

Thanks so much Paul!! YOU ROCK :cheers

Do we just find a parking spot in town during the tarp run? As well, what do we do with our cars when all is said and done? Are we in charge of that or does the festival assign a lot to us?

Also, I called planet bluegrass to let them know the link to their load-in info sheet is broken. It should hopefully be posted in the camping section under WF soon!

Festival Fred & Karsyn (hi again, Karsyn :wave): my best estimate on WF campers would be not more than 400.
The camping is only in the grassy outfield, no camping in the dirt infield.

Some ambitious & veteran WF-ers will have their vehicle in line on Colorado Avenue or whatever public road that will be designated Wednesday morning as the “car line” to drive straight into the Warner unloading. We allow only so many at a time as parking is limited.

Land rush will start at 9:00am - I believe, but please verify with staff that morning (allowing vehicles in to unload) but the festivarian line (tarp runners) will begin earlier, say by 7am. If like in past years, it will form along the right field/first base chain link fence…east to west, with east being first in line closest to the Warner customs gate pop-up & Park & Rec office.

Karsyn - permit parking in town begins at 8:00am I believe but there is two-hour free parking through out town, especially uphill from Main street (Colorado Ave). If you have someone rushing a tarp only then the rest of the crew can just drive in with the Warner Field car line. If you are land rushing as you drive in to unload then tent site selection becomes more limited.

Good luck and happy festivating!


Thanks for the info. See ya Wednesday morning.