Warner Field 2024 Check In! Countdown continues

Hey those lucky wristbands who are gathering on the T-ride field of dreams! The cut, above the rest.

Where from
How many
Favorite bands
First time
Multiple times
Last time
What’s in the pantry
Anything else?

Arrive Tuesday ish
Peter Rowan & Lyle
Homemade chili and outrageous cookies.
Gaa 7 years!
Last fest 2015? Maybe 2016
Started festivating in ‘89

Love this!
Western Colorado
17 strong this year
Favorites playing this year? String Dusters, Molly Tuttle, and pumped for Billy with Thile.
1st fest: 2015. Been 7 times since.
Last time: 2023. The hail storm year

Come find us at camp Half Eaten Bass, probably in outer left field.

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Hey Hay! Is the hail storm the same year of the Sunday night snow dump?

Camp Real estate
:tent: around deep shortstop :joy:
Glamp Unicorn :unicorn:

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Two people
J & L
String Dusters and Telluride House Band
Not our 1st rodeo
Gonna have lots of beer, pasta, and bagels
Tomorrows the last day of work before its festie time. Can’t wait to see y’all at 9:00

Hi! Hoping to meet some people I can chill with at the festival!

Just me :slight_smile:
Punch Brothers and Mighty Poplar
This is my first time!
Haven’t thought about food… maybe I’ll bring some brownies :eyes:

I’m not very great yet but I’ll bring my banjo for the jams!

Colin, Come find us at camp Half Eaten Bass. We love meeting new fest friends. We will be getting there tomorrow morning, and usually set up in outer left field. Look for the half eaten bass wind sock.

I’ll look for you! I’ll be walking around with a blue mighty poplar hat. Hoping to get there in the early afternoon.

Don’t want to usurp the fun thread, but do have a question as a WP newbie! Are the tents hodgepodge or sorta in neat rows as rendered on some of the maps? I don’t want to mess anything up! See y’all in line!

Sierra Ferrel knocked my socks off last year. Cannot wait to see her again. Pumped for Billy
First and last time attended was last year
Snacks for days