Want to Volunteer for 2025

Been going for a few years now, but really want to Volunteer this year. I hear parking volunteers can show up a couple of days early and knock out thier shifts prior to festival. If thats true, i would definitely be interested in doing that. Would greatly appreciate a link, or any info!

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Yes, parking volunteers work two 6-hour shifts in exchange for a 4-day pass. Those positions start as early as the Monday before the festival. Applications open Nov. 26th. If you’re interested in pre-festival shifts, please mark that on your application and let me know what day you will be ready to start working.

You can use this link to read more about the volunteer commitment and the parking position. https://bluegrass.com/telluride/get-involved/volunteers

We hope you can join us as a volunteer for TBF '25!


I just applied through the website and could start the first available shifts! Definitely looking forward to Volunteering! I would love to talk to someone who has worked pre-fest shifts before to get some info, like where to stay, since campgrounds are not open yet, etc…
Jason Homrighausen
Shoot me a text if your available to discuss!

I bet Paul K. Smith @pksmith could help you out with answers. I know he’s volunteered for pre-fest parking for years!

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Hey Jason, Feel free to reach out to me directly. I schedule and manage all the volunteers for Telluride. I’m happy to answer any questions you might have. My email is allison@bluegrass.com.