Volunteer Shift Swap Needed!

Hi TBF volunteers!

I am in need of swapping the following Lawson Hill shifts:

Wednesday before 8-close
Monday after 8-noon

I am willing to do an 8-close shift on Thursday for anyone wanting to see Brandi Carlile and anytime before 6pm on Friday. I’m also happy to do double shifts and work all day Saturday!

Work obligations came up on Wednesday AND I am driving from Montana.

Your help would be MOST appreciated and may come with some beers.

Peace, love and TBF or bust,

Hey I am volunteering!
I can probably cover your Wednesday shift, if you are able to cover my Friday shift. My Friday shift is from noon-4pm. I would offer to help with your Monday shift, but I fly into town that day. Let me know if you are interested in swapping these shifts!
Only issue, I am thinking of this that we might be on different teams… I am on the E-Team. Do you think this will pose a problem switching shifts? This is my first year volunteering for TBF, do we need to let the volunteer coordinators know that we want to switch shifts before hand?
Feel free to email me at mcknzmorris@gmail.com
See you at Bluegrass!

I would say both of you need to communicate with the volunteer coordinator so they are aware of who is working what shift in case of emergencies.
If they have you down for working a particular area and they get a call about a family emergency they may not be able to find you otherwise.
I would not assume that changing shifts without the knowledge of the supervisor is acceptable.
I’m sure they will be willing to work with you because of work or personal schedule conflicts.

Thanks Telluride Tom! I totally agree, was a bit concerned about the legitimacy of switching shifts. If AurreyJH wants to cover my shift I will contact Nicole, the volunteer coordinator, before doing so. As well as try to find my direct supervisors contact before officially switching.

Hi! Thank you all for your input. I was able to work out my schedule with the volunteer coordinator (ANOTHER REASON TO LOVE TBF!)… you guys are all soo awesome. See you all next week!

Audrey :flower