
First timer coming to the Festival…I have heard a couple things about people sharing rides from Denver to Telluride…is this true?

I plan on getting a rental car but I wanted to see if anybody can give me insight as to any ideas on this…

Any info is appreciated.

Look forward to coming…


You bet…happens all the time (although some of us are confused as to how anyone has “extra space”!)

Check out The hitching a ride forum

:wave :thumbsup

Like Jeff says… make a post in the Hitching a Ride section of the forum and make some new friends in the process. :thumbsup

It’s fantastic. Coming from somewhere like Denver, if you’re looking for someone to share the ride with, you’ll find it. Lots of people from that area show up and are willing to split gas money with someone while reducing their carbon footprint. I found someone from Denver last year without any issues.