Transition from Jazz Fest to Bluegrass

All went well in the changeover. We all had our sites by around 2:00. I think everyone got the site they wanted without to much haggling.
There was a little music last night. It felt soooo good to be here. It didn’t get as cold as I thought it would last night.
Bring those Lap Tops Town Park has gone WiFi. Coming to You from site 15.

Peace & Love


Ok Kenny now who brought the Webcam ???

Howdy Folks :wave
All is good. :thumbsup
much luv from camp spot 14 :cheers
Gov A to the J :pipe2
Vote yes on 420 like Kenny did! :flower

Oh Great now Im going really Nuts !!!
Peace and Love
Gov A to the J !
wheres the webcam???

someone please save me a spot in line… doesn’t matter which line. I just wanna get in line and be in line and line up all night with you people…

Bevin Bring that 2x4 when you pick up Chilies

Good job on getting great spots for us this year. I love my ABGATers. Can’t wait to see you soon.