Trailer parking?

Our vehicles are either too small or too old to fit the three of us, and all our festy gear. So usually we rent a larger vehicle and cram it full of all our stuff. This year we’re trying to cut the costs of a 12 day rental car that we only use 2-3 days, and rent a uhaul trailer and tow it with the Prius.

My question is for all of you others who use a trailer to haul your goods. After unloading in Town Park, will they allow trailers in carhenge, or will we be directed to a special trailer park to rest the vehicle till we have to leave.

When I towed a trailer I was always early enough to end up parking the truck and trailer on the road going towards the cemetery, but I know people that parked their car and trailer at carhenge, so it’s definitely doable.

Thanks Tom. Thats good to know. Hoping we are unloaded before 10am Saturday, so maybe we won’t have to be too far away. Last year we were unloaded by 1 on Saturday and made it to car henge.

Car Henge with a bicycle works great. Both on Saturday, and the Monday after for us, every time. Seems like a waste to have a big rig on the road for no reason? Can’t remember the last time someone had to make a run to the truck/trailer… :cheers It’s really incredibly nice, satisfying, and FUN to not see your vehicle (the outside world) for 8 days. :festival

Hey Todd,

If you’re into a DIY project, check out a small trailer kit from Harbor Freight. I put one together back in 2008 and it’s been to 2-3 TBFs. Build your own platform and sides, very lightweight, rides in slipstream and not very expensive. Go for the larger wheels because of interstate duty.

As for parking, we’ve parked ours along the road headed east and there’s spaces in carhenge on the west side where you can back an attached trailer onto grass.

Anything, that sounds both like a fun project I’d get into, and a better scenario than renting every year. I’ll look into those. Off the top of your head do you know how much the trailers weigh? We’d be pulling it with a Prius, and I think the towing capacity is only about 3,000lb. I’ve already been meaning to start a trailer project for hauling our tractor, so why not build a wee trailer for festival!

Check 'em out online. The kits are just frames, axles and wheels. There’s different sizes with different capacities.

I have the small one (under $300) with a capacity of 1000 lbs. I added a bed from good pallet wood and wooden sides.

You can make something enclosed or open, lots of options. I’ll IM you and send you pics, you know me from Duk Tape.