Town Park Tye-Dye Take-Over !!!

We need to get this one back on track…

OK Gang…Who’s in on this???

Let’s get a list of who is arriving on Monday the 9th…

Aj & Connie (coming in from Orvis with Van & trailer)

Daniel L. will be there and he’s aware of the need to wear Tye-Dye on Monday!

Auntie Hope :pickin :green

The 14th is Saturday, so I guess we’ll see ya when you get there! (You might wanna get a refund on that calendar.) :wink:

Actually Cindyou :wave They should put that calendar away for now and use it next year :wink:

What time are you leaving Durango? Do you have my phone#.


My calendar works fine for me, I like my little space in the world and heck as long as I get to Telluride does it really matter. I actually am really coming in on the 14th (saturday) just in time for the Goddess walk-about.
Don’t Smite a goddess it’s bad for your karma.
Beth :flower