Am I just a super naive festivarian and don’t know that this happens outside of the golden land of this forum and people really sell (and buy) Town Park passes for $1200 a pair on Ebay and CL?
I have been searching for TP passes for a few close friends since I spend my day in front of a computer and they don’t and I just happened to look on CL and see this in multiple posts. Bummer.
Just read the no-scalping thread on here and I guess so. I’ll try to flag these on CL in the future. That makes me so mad when I see people on here trying to help everyone out finding tix and there are jerks on there holding on to theirs for profit.
I have seen them on CL too. I flag them. Makes me so mad!
Guess you can also count me as “naive” mg, but I believe it’s much better than the alternative.
MG, if they are out there on CL, that means they will be on the Forum in the week before the Festival, since no one will buy them there.
Hmm, interesting,
Somehow I figured there were unenlightened folks out there who pay way above face.
It’s the diligent flagging that makes us all so very cool. Keep on it whenever you can :flower
:medal :medal :medal :medal