Hi All :wave
Not one to post my feelings nor opinions, but life is short and I’m feeling sad. These last couple days have been a bit gut wrenching to say the least. I’ve experienced the same emotions that I have read and felt through your own posts. A just ranted on another post about the new ticket process. So be it … I still believe we will all find tickets for our camps. But now am thinking, “Why do we so desire to go to these extremes for 10 days in a remote box canyon”?
I’m not too many years from being a virgin. In 2015 I wandered into TP on my mtn bike, and after much frustration and consternation stumbled upon a camp who took me in. To me, Kamp Duk Tape became a microcosm of the overall Town Park community. A loving, caring, helping, and giving group of individuals of all flavors. I still can still hear our camp godfather say he doesn’t want to leave TP at all during the pre fest as this is the only time he gets to be with this community. I soon found out what he was talking about.
During that first year I wanted to do something to contribute to the TP community. Something that would bring people together. I loved hearing about the oyster roasts up at Run a Muk and talked with Hippie about them. Owning and operating a clam farm in SC, we had many a clam/oyster roast and Frogmore stew. This is what led me to do a boil type event, something casual where folks have time to chat and meet someone new. My point being is that we have an incredible community, we look after one another, laugh with, cry with, encourage, and hold up. Many of us have even expressed that the time with fellow campers has been sweeter than the notes coming from the stage or pickin circle. I love most of the sets at both the TP stage and Elks, that’s a given. We buys tickets before we even know who is playing. But we know who we will see at camp. The faithful supporters of the Town Park community, our friends, brothers and sisters. :love
Lets keeping on doing what we have been doing. Of course the events! Can’t wait to see what we do this year. But I mean supporting one another. Lets work as a team, be proactive. The thing that was attractive to me that Monday in 2015 was that complete strangers were asking if they could help the newbie, to include him in what was going on. Sometimes going out of their way to pick up something in town. I discovered that we could accomplish so much more working together than individually. Lets continue that by doing whatever you can to get TP tickets into the hands of fellow festivarians. You also know that several of us really need a VP pass to attend, such as our mayor Telluride Tom.
I don’t mean to be preaching, we all know the deal. I’m just sad that there are many of us wondering if we will score a ticket, if we even want to support the Planet by buying a ticket. I support whatever you chose, but I do hope to see you all in June. I believe this mess will be corrected and we can resume our faith in the Planet to support the community and encourage its’ enhancement.
Does anyone else have similar experiences or thoughts about the Town Park community?
Peace :peace