Ok I can make it to T-Ride this weekend…let’s see if I leave now…I can get there by Saturday nightand then turn…trip over Rick’s log and turna around…and be late for work on Monday!!! Nice! :mad :lol :cheers
let’s see 900.78 miles driveway to campsite?? I think I’m gunna have to lest the rest of you make aquaintance with my log?? you all have fun, we’ll meet you at the “buck” Sunday June 16th, at the latest :cheers :cheers :cheers
Okay, so Hooch and I went to Telluride this weekend and I have to say, it was glorious! There’s still snow everywhere in Town Park, but we came armed with maps and Happy Juice. We even danced to our own rendition of “Howling at the Moon” on the main stage!! Nothing to see from the stage except for the snow-covered festival grounds and about fifteen dogs running around playing together. In Town Park we were able to walk around and kind of see where everyone’s camps are. Oh, and the waterfall is great! That will come in handy on the days when it’s hotter than snot and that mister just isn’t doing it. As you all know, I’m always filled with questions about how everything goes down. Here are some more for the seasoned veterans to respond to, pretty please with sugar on top:
The space along the festival fence line looks delightful. I notice that there are several camps right up against the fence, but is the WHOLE fence line spoken or is there room in between to squeeze a tent or two?
Are you able to see the stage clearly from the fence line camps? How about if you are sitting in a chair? I know there’s a road right in front and then PBG fences also, but holy schniznet, what a view!!
There is a semi quiet-looking spot that is right on the river and down a short hill. Are there any camps there? Can you still hear the music from there or is it kind of secluded?
Where is the Town Park tarp line-up? I have friends going who will be in the other line. Which line is better to sit in? It seems from previous years that the Townies get in faster than the condo people.
I’m having issues trying to decide if we should stay right in the middle of everything or try and score a quieter spot in the back for sleep/privacy purposes. On one hand, if I don’t sleep at least five hours per night, I’m a raving hag in the morning and will never make it a whole week coherently. Naps aren’t an option because once I’m awake, I’m too excited to go down for a nap. (Yes, I’m five.) On the other hand, I don’t want to miss a single piece of the action. I have earplugs, and I can sleep when I’m dead, right?
Bring on the advice, O’ Wise Ones!
Humbly yours,
Daniela :flower :flower
PS. Have I mentioned how freaking EXCITED I am??? Can we go RIGHT NOW???
The fence line has always been taken up by myself, Jerry, and the Durango crew and the Seattle/Chicago group has always taken up the trees down hill from us. It’s rare for anyone to squeeze in there, but it does happen now and then.
The view from the fence line can be hindered a bit by the PB fence, but it’s still pretty good. If you’re sitting in a chair you have to be in front of the wooden fence or you can’t see too well.
Yes, and yes, but it does get a lot colder the closer to the river you are.
The Town Park tarp line starts at the corner of Warner Field. PB tries to even things out between Town Park and the condo’s, but since there’s fewer people in Town Park it just seems like they get in faster.
I’m sure it won’t matter where you camp, unless you don’t want to be too close to one of the all night picking parties. There’s plenty of good spots whether you want it quiet or a party.
Thanks, Tom!! That’s what I wanted to know. Say, are the “pickin” camps in any particular location or is it just wherever people throw down? Also, for the Saturday morning tent run, do you actually have to run with your tent or can you just throw tarps down? I’m thinking of bringing a bigger tent and it weighs about a million pounds. I can see myself tripping over all the obstacles and having the tent torpedo into the river. :flower
It was really a beautiful day in Telluride on Saturday. Cloudless skies and plenty of snow but warm enough to have on a light jacket. It was fun as hell wandering through a snow-covered campground with printed maps saying things like, “Okay, I think the Tiki Bar is here…or maybe here…or maybe over there”. My favorite spot is over on the primitive camping island but I’m sure that anywhere will end up being a great spot. Hopefully we can do a site survey Friday evening with some of the veterans to make sure #1. That we will not accidentally squat on someone’s traditional camp, and #2. We are not directly above a natural gyser or septic system.
Does PB mark out “roads” through the camp (specifically in the primitive camping area) or are people going to be stacked and packed?
I would say that there’s generally very good picking at Crossroads, and the Tiki Bar has, of late become a contender as well. Last year, the picking at Tiki Bar was very good on most nights thanks to the boys from Gravy, etc.
Regarding the fence line - The established camps there are pretty big. I could see camping near there and just wandering over when you feel like watching from there. I seem to spend more time during the festival on the tarps and under the shade of my friends canopies.
I can add a banjo to the tiki bar, fishbone, and where else - what about Arizona bowl? or the place that was across from delightful? What do you think Monkeygirl?
We start at Camp Billy (Arizona Bowl on your map Courtney), where I recall doing a little gig on the dance floor that they constructed;
There’s Fishbone, of course, with excellent music and wonderful people! My monkey-self has drifted off to sleep a time or two in Fishbone, while snuggled into a nice comfy couch, listening to very talented people.
Occasionally there will be music at Wander In (remember LAST YEAR GUYS!! WOO-HOO!!) and rumor has it that there will be attempts to attract the same type of activity to Flamingo via setup this year. Of course that was largely drunken conversation last year, so who knows…
Once in the reserve, on the right (across from Camp Totally Lit) is the “Professor and his group” (who are those people anyway? I heard it is a music professor and a select group of his students… does anyone know if there’s any truth to this?) And it also seems like they have been in a slightly different location the last couple of years.
And then on to the Tiki Bar where there is lots of excitement and good music almost daily (wasn’t there?)
Swing to the left and you run smack dab into the Crossroads gang with their carpeting and couches.
Heading towards Town Hall there is a camp that has very nice jams on the left… is this the Front Porch gang?
On the right is the Mash Tent that, from my point of view, seems to be one of the last jams standing in the wee hours.
There have been, in the past, nice jams at Town Hall (Tom - whatever happened to Mish and his wife?), so we always swing by there when stumbling about in the middle of the night looking for ways to warm ourselves.
Those are most of the “surefire” jams that I can think of…
That’s too bad… they were exceedingly pleasant! I’ll never forget the patient smile that Mish had on his face the night that Jello-shooting Rat Bastard tried to tell Mish that he had absolutely “NO IDEA” how to write a song, and that if Mish wanted his help, why he’d “be happy to be of assistance.” hicstumblehic
I’m sorry, Monkeygirl, but did you say “couch”??? People actually haul in a real couch to their camping spot? I guess my mental image of camping is a bit different than some. I wonder if I could get my couch into the back of my Trooper. Hmmm…