Town Park and Festivarian activities schedule - 2009

wasn’t it the Druids?

Ahhhhh the most “Deepest Darkest” Secrets Of the Virgin Scarifice !!!
Only the oldest of Vets and the Ex Virgins Knows what goes on !
:evil :evil :evil :evil :evil :evil
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
But Fun is had by all and maybe a hangover ?

:quote Cody! SIT :quote


:evil :cheers :evil

:wave Two extra special little pleas to all you festivarians…

Many of the traditional camps are still in need of tickets and vahicle passes. At last count it was 33 camping passes and 4 vehicle passes for campers with handicaps or health issues. Please check the Camps need tix threads in the ticket swap board for updates and contact information to help the camps out. Almost all of these social events happen because the established camps step up to make the campground the shining example of human interaction it is. Pitch in where you can.

Help us lead the way to a greener festivarian experience. Pack your own washable cup for beverages, TBF beer cups are ideal for this use, When you plan on eating at a neighbors camp bring along your own washable utensils, plates, and cups; Take them back to your camp for washing when done.

We now join our regularly scheduled program…


Bump… again.

Super bump!

Now this is a BUMP>>>>
Official 2009 TBF Pre-fest Schedule

Monday June 8th - ABGAT team arrives in Town Park.

Saturday June 13th - 8AM - Town Park preserve land rush.
The day Planet Bluegrass takes over Town Park, and all the
historical camps begin to set up in the Bear Creek Preserve.

Saturday June 13th - 4:20PM - Afternoon Vapors attitude adjustment - location: Secret.

Sunday June 14th – 3:00PM – Goddess Walkabout – Camp Get Enough

Sunday June 14th - free day - With games and such throughout the day, including
Frisbee Golf, Washers, and cross country Croquet, continuing during the week as well.

Monday June 15th - 12Noon - Rumball preparation party at the MASH tent site.
Bring some fruit or booze to contribute (fruit cocktail will work
as will fresh melon, strawberries, etc.) Note: Please no grapefruit,
it doesn’t go well with many heart/blood pressure medications!

Monday June 15th - 3PM - Smugglers birthday bash begins.
Smugglers Brewpub – Corner of San Juan and Pine.
Some may be there earlier, some later, but you can bet
that again we will be heard all the way to Town Park!
It’s a birthday celebration for everyone that has a birthday
in 2009! At 5:00PM we will raise our glasses in a toast to
all those that cannot be there.

Tuesday June 16th - 12PM - Homebrew beer-fest by the central bathrooms.
Bring a keg/growler of your homebrew/microbrew for tasting.

Tuesday June 16th - 4PM - Oyster BBQ at camp Run-a-muck.

Tuesday June 16th - 9PM - Telluride Tom’s video presentation.
By the central bathrooms/showers.

Wednesday June 17th – 9:00AM – Town Park Bacon Fry – All camps fry up some bacon
so the smell will waft away into town.

Wednesday June 17th - 10:00AM – PJ Pastry Brunch and Eggs Benedict by the central

Wednesday June 17th - 10:30AM - Bloody Mary Morning by the central bathrooms/showers.

Wednesday June 17th - about 5PM - Rumballs at the MASH tent site.

Wednesday June 17th - about 6PM - Pot Luck at Camp Billy/Arizona Bowl.

Wednesday June 17th - about 8PM - Free box fashion show – Camp Billy.
Find something in the free box in town and enter the contest!

Thursday June 18th - 9AM - Sourdough Brunch at camp Run-a-muck/Town Hall.
Waffles provided, just bring fruit and champagne.

Thursday June 18th - Following Three Girls & Their Buddy - 6:45PM - Annual
Festivarian Photo shoot in front of the beer tent.

Friday June 19th - 10AM – Amanda Lynne’s Birthday Mimosa’s – Waterfall in Town Park
Bring your own champagne.

Friday June 19th - 1PM - Festivarian gathering at the beer tent.
Random act of kindness – buy a beer for the person behind you if they’ll do the same.

Saturday June 20th - 1PM - Festivarian gathering at the beer tent.
Random act of kindness – buy a beer for the person behind you if they’ll do the same.

Sunday June 21st - 1PM - Festivarian gathering at the beer tent.
Random act of kindness – buy a beer for the person behind you if they’ll do the same.


Officially I think that this official schedule looks officially awesome! Thank you Mayor!
Looking forward to the wed. 9 am experiment, we should send someone up to the falls and see if the scent reaches up there…

Good idea…maybe we should send you, Lara…since you won’t be eating any offical bacon;)

Can you remind me again when and where the festi-virgin sacrifice is happening?


ooooooooo! ooooooooo! Pick me! I’m a festi-virgin!

I don’t know why only one festivirgin should be sacrificed! :wink:

Kid, you are going to go far! :lol :wink:

You’re really into this idea aren’t cha? Careful what ya wish for…especially when the Hooch comes out

:evil :evil :evil :evil :evil
:evil :evil :evil :evil :evil

Thanks Mayor,

Its been a long time since I’ve been in Telluride and I’m happy you are keeping up the good work!

See ya Saturday!!!
