Toe Job Prep Reminder

Just a reminder, nows the time to stop in at the $10.00 pedicure place to get your palettes ready. Don’t be shy. Plus, chicks and dudes love it. Better than being that guy/gal that never takes off his/her socks! :wink: or the guy/gal with all the excuses of why his/her toes are so funky. I’d be much more likely to give a foot massage to someone who takes care of their feet.

Don’t get me wrong, and I not speaking on behalf of all toe job artists, but I think I can say we love you in whatever way you are but now you can love you too. Be proud of your feet.


No way Courtney :wink:

There is a a tiny bit of blue polish left from our last toe job session, it’s waiting for you to remove it. I’ll make sure the foot slave prepares my feet for you :lol :lol :lol


Hey Court…if I talk you into a toe job this weekend in Pagosa then I can get a brand new one at TBF or am I on a “limit one per month per customer per toe” restriction and will then, therefore, have to wait until Rockygrass for a re-do?

One foot per FESTIVVVAAALLL!!!???

Auntie Hope :green

Umm Jerry, Grossssssss :eek
I have been buffing toes and feet all week,
take care of those toes…

only here would you come across a thread like this :giggle

I’ll be happy to oblige, oh master of the shared hooch. I love that stuff. The hardest part is catching the timing right at Telluride but thanks for reminding me to keep the kit on top of all the crap I’m bringing. … I did it again.

If a liquid offering is brought to the toe job artisans, is there any chance of getting both feet done??? :toejob :toejob :toejob :toejob : :toejob :toejob :toejob :toejob :toejob :toejob :toejob
By the way Courtness, I just hit the Nail Salon this past weekend for my PREFESTIVAAAL PEDICURE!! With you all in mind…

Hmmm? I was unaware of the massage part of the toe job ritual, having not had one yet?Courtness, I give a pretty darned good foot massage? if you need my help I can give a hand or 2 if not busy salving over the Run-A-Muck stoves ?

:wave Hey Miss Courtness!!! I am being the messenger service for Rich Ganson!

He is here visiting and said to give you this message :

                            :quote  Greatest Toe Job EVER!     :quote

He says he gets compliments on his wonderfully artful nails everywhere he goes!

He is soley responsible for a rash of toe envy! Ha ha ha…that’s funny! :lol

Here is how they look today!

:wave Hi Rich!

Rich sez :

Hi Back! :wave

Not sure if he is refering to festi chairs or what??? Just Kidding!!!

I looked at this for several minutes going …huh…

Jess can be very slow at times…but I got it! Hi back…festi-chair…yuck, yuck :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Hi Connie and Rich,

I love that the toe jobs are appreciated, Such a funny thing we do. Looking forward to the next time.

(Sorry Rick, I didn’t even realize - next year!!! Catch me early - Rich knows it’s a tricky thing to get me at the right time. All the Tiki Bar toe job artists do a phenomenal job with their artistic talents. I love being part of it.


A little toe job related humor for you all…

I was hanging around with a group of my friends last weekend at High Sierra Music Fest, when the subject of festival feet came up… We all started comparing our dirty-ness, when I go “Mine would look so much better if I woulda gotten a toe job at TBF”… Everyone in the group burst into laughter, so I had to explain the whole toe job ritual thing. They all loved it!
Then I said I needed a foot slave and you can guess the funny looks I got! After yet another explanation, my super kynd sista Sami gave me a foot massage!! Now I found my foot slave, only I gotta go to High Sierra to find her, lol!!

Oh, but we wouldn’t be anywhere without the Toe Job Queen Courtness! Over martini’s Michelle recapped the story of the birth of toe jobs in T-ride. :toejob.

My understanding Courtney is you elevated them to entire new art form! They would not be as fabulouse without you or as detailed and glittery!! Thanks lady - we love ya and hope to see you as you blow through Flagstaff at the end of the month! Zuma is missing Lily, but looking forward to see Seamus Thursday :wave

We have fun, don’t we. :cheers

Lilly has no idea what is about to be. Next Mardi Gras she’s going as a mermaid in the Krewe of Barkus parade. I’ve been wanting to do that for years.

My house is a disaster - boxes, packing, boxes, packing, then a little denial and it all starts all over again.

See you soon,