Ticket Scammer Clarification

FYI- I’m looking for 4 Saturday Rockygrass passes. I was contacted by “Jake” in the forum chat shortly after posting my In Search Of request. He wanted to do transfers by mail. I called Planet Bluegrass to be safe. They said they can do a 3 way call with the parties to facilitate the transfer. They fill out the transfer form and submit it after the payment has been made. This protects buyer and seller.

I replied to “Jake” that I wanted to use this method. He said that deadline has passed. I told him that we have until June 14th to use this method. There was no reply for about an hour. I came back to check our chat, and he had deleted his forum account. Happy that I didn’t get scammed, but sad I can’t find Saturday passes. :frowning: Make sure to use the call in method for all purchases and transfers!


Correct, the above is a great way to protect yourself. We deleted that account within about an hour of him signing up after we were notified of his activities. Please continue to report scammers so we can help protect this community!


I just saw today that there are a bunch of inflated priced tickets for TBG on eBay. Not sure how much you can do about it other then get names, etc to prevent future sales to the sellers. Some even include camping, etc.

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