The Weather Gods - are they smiling?

Hey Maddie!

Billy was Billy! If he doesn’t implode or explode he will be a king! His set on Friday seemed a bit short, but of course it would be with him opening. Played some old timing covers in addition to his usual. But we have been so spoiled with his sets and everyone that he sat in with at the Bender. I was wearing my Bender shirt and met a couple with Bender cozies that drove up from Vegas! Took a picture to post aka Travis, but it didnt come out.

I really enjoyed Bela w/ the Flecktones! I love seeing Victor RIP on his bass, they get that funky vibe going. And then Billy joined in!! :burn

Just love live music and the energy you get from different musicians playing together. Like in Missoula last year
Those last 3 sets with Stickley, Billy, and the Dusters were incredible, BUT when Jon, Billy, and Andy played together … :pickin :sunshine. That was face melting! I’m still smiling thinking about it.

On the same topic, I heard Billy played with Stringcheese at Delfest with similar mind blowing accounts. Sure wish he was coming to Tride!!

See you in less than 2 weeks! :cheers