Right now it looks like Sunday could have significant rain. However, sometimes those forecasts get adjusted and the rain could be earlier or later than that. or if we are lucky… not at all. At any rate, in case you haven’t learned it the hard way already, BE PREPARED for rain. Better to have those extra clothes and rain gear than have to be without. Those who were there year before last remember how miserably cold and rainy it was for almost all of Friday and a good deal of Saturday.
Yes, I was at the festival in 2008, when it was nicknamed “Soaks Festival”! We festivarians proved that we are a hardy bunch, and we will be there rain or shine. But I know now to have lots of warm cllothes and rain gear. It’s best to be prepared for anything!
Rubber Boots- check
scotch guard my underwear- check
Great attitude- check
Smile- check
new dance moves- check
sunscreen- check
wet shoes, dry shoes-check
Rain Gear- check :flower
when was the last time you danced in the rain? :festivarian
I think I felt 2 drops of rain yesterday but great weather and no rain for all 3 of PB’s festivals. I can’t remember that happening in modern times, can anyone else?
It absolutely poured in Lyons tonight around 5:45 or so. I mean street flooding, hard to see to drive torrential downpour rain. Lasted about 15 -20 minutes and then the sun came out. It would have been a real camp soaker though.