“The Best Bluegrass Band of All Time”

Tenacious D is a solid show! Never seen them live, but I’ve watched lots of videos, and they blow audiences away, and usually have all sorts of awesome guests. I think its bold and bit off normal, but this has the potential to be very cool!
I figured it wasn’t going to be a bluegrass band, but TD might just bring all bluegrass pickers in the bamd!

Nobody respects an audience more than Tenacious D… except for maybe Sam!! Will be a helluva fun show, and with some guests, might be some righteous tunes, too!

I’m going to admit I have never heard of Tenacious D! Now read up and it sounds like it could be fun……

It is Tenacious D, world’s greatest band, in Jack Black’s mind.
For me, they are most fun in short doses, I doubt that I would make it through a full set.

I would have booked the Cleverlys and pocketed the difference. Bonus if Digger told stories about his alien family in the kids area.

I need some clarification, please, can someone help me out here?

The first post in this thread on 11/30 said that PB dropped a hint on instagram, in an apparent attempt at humor, about the TBF headliner. In a reply four days later someone reported what the hint referred to.

Is this the same instagram whose leader recently testified before congress that he has no plans to dial back their effort at creating an instagram for children, which I take to mean kids younger than the tweens and teens who are apparently being damaged by social media like IG. I believe he testified that IG planned to solve the problem by suggesting to them, on IG, to limit their screen time. Yea, I’m sure they’ll read that when they’ve finished reading the use agreement for the site.

But, I digressed. My real question is, do I need to sign up for instagram/facebook/snapchat/tiktok/younameitthathasn’tbeen createdyet to find out about goings on at Planet Bluegrass? When there’s no info I could find on the PB site about the ticketing process? Was that on social media too? Along with accurate information about politics, and covid, and the latest conspiracy theory?

I know, I just need to calm down. And you kids get off my lawn, ya hear?

My BlueGrass Heart for the win! I am so very excited for the line up announcement!
When is it? No not my first year haha. It has just been a minute

I believe on FB PB said tomorrow they will make an announcement about line-up.


Tenacious D and now a monks announcement? Having a hard time getting excited for this…

Tenacious D is a great way to mix things up, it’s going to be a great set.
And there are a lot of other festivals out there if you’re struggling so much…

Kind of a jerk thing to say. Thought this festival was about peace, kindness and bluegrass. I saved up for years and bought tickets in 2019 after Telluride had been a bucket list item for me. Going to the festival is something to look forward to after a very dark couple of years for me. And yes, I think it’s fine to be disappointed to have bought tickets to a bluegrass festival when they haven’t announced any artists that are actually bluegrass or up to the caliber of previous festivals.

You’re whining about a couple of announcements (which required a lot of hard work by PB staff), with dozens of bands to be named, and my comment is the issue? This festival is about peace, kindness, gratitude, and bluegrass, and your comments aren’t in line with that.

Putting that aside, in case this is your first Telluride, welcome and I know you will have a magical time. The bands that will be announced will include all of your heavy bluegrass favorites, it’s an absolute certainty. Typically many of the bands will be named on or around the Winter Solstice. The lineup will look eerily similar to every year, so you can rest easy on the “caliber” concern. This is a world-class festival in a world-class location. Enjoy.

Have you tried putting some Heen on it?

2022 will be the 49th TBF (according to their website even though 2020 didn’t happen it’s being counted as 47th) . Me thinks the planet is saving some scratch for 2023…

And we have to acknowledge they likely took a massive financial hit in 2020 and 21…

That’s exactly what I’m thinking/afraid of. I know it’ll be a good time regardless but just kinda sad thinking of the amazing lineup for 2020 the tickets were originally for…

Can’t wait for the “I’m happy to be wrong” posts tomorrow!

People getting bent out of shape because they announced the Monks is entertaining. So you realize they play at like 11am? Theres an entire lineup to be announced. Same people will be complaining about the tarps the week after the festival. :thumbsup :evil

T-minus 30 minutes to liftoff…