Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Wow. It never ceses to amaze me what a fantastic group of people you Festivarians really are.
I’ve said it before, and I will continue to do so as long as I’m able, THANK YOU for being you.

You all are truly what makes the Telluride Bluegrass Festival, and Planet Bluegrass, so incredibly special.

We all hope that you had a fantastic time, enjoyed the music, learned something about helping our planet, and reconnected with festi-friends far and near.

I very much look forward to seeing all of your smiling faces next year, and some again in a few short weeks at Rockygrass. (Folks Festival is going to be great this year as well, with a little luck, I’ll get to see some of you 3x! :thumbsup)

On behalf of everyone at Planet Bluegrass, thank you all for being the most amazing group around.

We look forward to doing it all over again next year for the 37th. :wave



Thanks, Dustin. We truly appreciate all of your hard work and the efforts of everyone involved, from the top of the totem pole right down to the volunteer crew - even if I still give you a hard time about Ryan Adams :cheers

I second what Bevin said, but I will give you a hard time about Mr. Oberst :lol :cheers

Seriously, thanks for giving us such great festivals to attend.

You guys do a great job, Dustin! Any complaints are insignificant to the overall experience. Speaking of…this year was the first time in 13 years that I’ve ever been frisked upon entry. The lady made me open my tie dye bathrobe (which I usually charge upwards of $0.75 to do) and she groped my camera and cellphone. In the future would you please employ the Swedish Bikini Team to perform these inspections? Thank you!!!

See you in t-minus 30 days!

I can complain, but outside of the marshmallows I have nothing to complain about. Over all perhaps my most enjoyable Telluride. Even the rain was OK, kept the dust down and gave me a reason to take a nap. After a so-so Delfest I appreciate a Festival ran so well it looks easy (even though I know it isn’t).

You say it is us that makes the festival so great, but I have to disagree.
If it wasn’t for the great work Planet Bluegrass does it wouldn’t be near as great. :flower

You guys ROCK! :thumbsup

Two days of serious fun, little sleep, and another shindiggly foot-kickin’ ass shakin’ head noddin’ grind w/ Railroad Earth takin’ the cake. Course Bela & Toumani Diabate and David Byrne’s sets where choice. Missed y’all Sat. Sun. though more time w/ myself and my children always a bonus and KOTO bridged the gap. Thanks for all the hardwork PB, regrets for making it harder than needed, no regrets, no compromise, no no, yes, yes, yes. Rockygrass sounds too good . . . child friendly, bring floaties . . .

Awesome job Planet Bluegrass!!! You guys put on a hell of a festival again!

I can’t begin to fathom what it takes to put on Telluride Bluegrass. You guys do an AMAZING job. The logistics I think must be mind-boggling, but you always bring us the best musicians, great sound, great stage art, vendors and booths that will make folks consider being a little more gentle with the Earth and each other, and you always do so with compassion for that beautiful box canyon, and passion for the creativity of the artists who have graced that stage. You give so much joy to so many, in so many ways that you couldn’t possibly know, and all this in only one of the many festivals you produce. Add in RockyGrass, Folks, Wildflower concerts, and Planet Bluegrass is a part of this planet that I for one love to call home. I feel very privileged to be a part of this special world community. Thank you. :thumbsup

This was my first TBGF but surely not my last. Had a great time and want to thank Planet Bluegrass for the great job, very well organized and the recycling and composting program in place was top notch.
All the musical performances were wonderful and I really enjoyed Gaelic Storm. I loved the bagpipes in the morning rush for tarp placement,the whole ritual was a site to see. Great job Planet Bluegrass!!! Tess :slight_smile:

As a 30+ year concert-goer who has been to numerous festivals, once again I am amazed at how Planet Bluegrass does an exceptional job of running their festivals, and that certainly continued at Telluride. To Dustin, Brian and all the PB crew: Thank You All For What You Do…many times over!! :slight_smile:

My first trip to Colorado last week to the festival is truly the best experience of my life. It was so fabulous to meet Telluride Tom and a few other forum folks in person. Thanks to everyone for everything! :slight_smile:

Yo D
you guys make it easy for us to do what we do !!

Hooch Im still waiting to get Frisked !!

I felt so cheap and used! I LOVED it!!!

The frisker was clearly after your body or your booze!!! WASTED

My money is on the booze and not the body! :lol And Hooch did you really kiss me on the lips too? I dont remember it happening, just knew that I felt like i needed a shower and just could not really feel clean for a few days. Must be the crunchy frog! :cheers

One complaint:

The security “Rovers” around the fest this year busting peeps for smuggled beers. Very shady. If you don’t want to have beers smuggled in, do a more thorough bag check upon entrance.

I normally wouldn’t smuggle beers in, but I just can’t drink the swill that New Belgium pumps out. It’s just terrible beer. Maybe a little competition next year? Monopolies suck, especially when their product is garbage.

Other than that small complaint, Telluride Bluegrass once again a center to my sometimes hectic life. Thank you Planet Bluegrass for all you do!

I am just going to offer a blanket denial of anything. Whatever it is you think you may have seen/felt me do is purely conjecture and, without evidence to back it up, is heresay. I would like to now draw attention away from myself and point out that Sarah tried to eat a boozy jello shot out of my mouth after I half chewed it up without my expressed written consent.

ill toss out another thank you to the planet bluegrass/telluride folk for making it happen, this is the greatest festival in the country, and my parents taking me when i was young is a big part of why i love music in the first place.

id also like to send out another personal thank you to alexa in california and james in t’ride for helping me get a ticket this year, id just returned from the east coast on thursday and didnt know if i was going to make it this year… but even more so-- for making my first TOWN PARK experience happen this year!! i was there with a 1st timer and i think she might be ruined for staying anywhere else now. thanks to the late night pickers for giving me something to do when i finally drank my friends into their tents each night, you all sounded great.

thank you all

And just where were these jello shots? :rolleyes I missed out. waaaaa okay I know stop whining. NEXT year though, I’ll drink you under the table Hoochie Koochie, and we can roll around on the floor laughing. Deal?