I there a size limit for tents at the high school? and can you put an easy up?
If anyone knows the answer please talk about all the other campgrounds
If I remember right there is a LOT of room at the HS. We didnt camp there but took showers there. It seemed like there was plenty of space for larger camps.
Never has been a limit on tent size at any campground. :flower
If you get there early enough and there’s room, you can put up a circus tent. :cheers
Thanks Tom for the info… It’s good to know that if I had a circus tent I could bring it. I could camp without all the beer at camp… although it would hard.
but crawling in and out of a pup tent all week might send over the limit…
:thumbsup :cheers
Been there, don’t that Pup Tent thing, and You are VERY RIGHT, My Dear!
Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green
Just be mindful of the amount of space you are taking up relative to the other festivarians…
What do I mean? I’m glad you asked…
If you plan on hanging out at other camps, or only using your camp as a home base, there is no need for a circus tent. If you plan on having 20-30 of your best friends over every night to host pickin’ parties and general festivation, it would be perfectly acceptable for a large tent/ camp.
The campgrounds usually get pretty full, so if you take up more space than you can really use, your basically just stealing land from someone who has a pup tent and is just looking for a place to lay their head at night.
…it’s all about respecting your neighbors, and creating an environment that works for everyone. :flower
Good answer, I think that explains it.
So it’s more about the spirit than any hard and fast rules?
Which is to say if you put a big tent, expect company :cheers
I was always told that the size of the tent does not matter, just the fun you have in it! :lol
Can we ban tent pegs and guy ropes please, I have history, especially in the dark! if you wake up in the morning with your tent as your duvet you’ll know I’ve been past your home!.. :giggle :giggle
:lol Okay I just blew I.P.A. out my nose on that one! :lol
If the ropes are angled out from your tent you’ve instaled them incorrctly and I’m sure a very kind Festivarian will help you correct the error in a timely mannor, for everyone else’s safety, but I totally understand the duvet manuver from first hand experience.
Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green
: :evil
Youz guyz are nuts!! :lol
So what’s you point? You signed on! You’re one of us now! :lol
Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green
Theres my nuts … next to my beer !