Looking t the images from the Webcam in Telluride and it appears to be really smokey in Town. Now I am pretty sure AJ is not in Town yet, and I am pretty sure that Hooch didn’t drop a load of Crunchy Frog On the valley floor, so I am assuming that smoke is coming from the fires around the area, looks sad! :pirate
You can just google “Telluride Webcam”
http://www.cotrip.org/map.htm#/default?StillCameraId=53 right now I can say without a doubt that it looks DARK. At 12:15 am I’m not surprised. :lol :lol :lol :lol Telluride Tom said today that it was pretty smoky, but didn’t seem to be darkening the mood. Very hazy in Cortez today. Keep in mind that Hwy 550 is closed north of Durango all the way to Silverton.
How about 145?
Yesterday evening in Telluride the smoke was about as bad as it has gotten over past couple of weeks.
Last I checked, 145 is open; however, the Burro fire could come into play on this front if it spreads further west.
145 open still, and 550 is open now 8 to 8 with official escorts.