I could not seem to find a post that was directed towards first time Telluride Bluegrass Festivarians beside the town park posts.
I figured maybe this would be a good place to offer some suggestions, tips, tricks, and advice for those of us thinking of attending for our first time in either 2019 or 2020 (planning early).
I have been to probably 30 festivals in my life so we know the basics but Telluride seems to be another kind of beast - one where veterans have special camps and rules, where there are a lot of options for camping vs lodging vs being shuttled in. The rules of the game seem a little different so I thought this would be a great place for newbies like me to ask questions. And maybe veterans can lend their expert advice.
I will start but hope others join in…
1.) If we are booking lodging (say a hotel, condo, etc) when should we do that - do you need to start now for next year (2020)?
2.) Any suggestions for awesome/popular lodging options (affordable too) within walking distance? I also heard there is another town a gondala ride away we should consider? Is that cheaper? More options?
3.) When does the lottery for Town Park Tix/Camping get announced/begin? Can you have pop up campers there?
4.) I heard you can’t park in town - so what do you do with coolers, tents, suitcases, and the hundreds of pounds of gear you have? Carry it?
5.) If you had to offer your top 3 pieces of advice for a new TBFestivarian what would they be?
6.) When do you need to be ready to enter the LATE NIGHT TIX lottery?
7.) When is lineup announced for 2020?
8.) If we stay in lodging nearby then we will not be able to access TOWN PARK to see friends, check out jam sessions, etc - is that right?
8.) I just read you need to show up a week before for a “land rush” for camp spots. We can’t take a week and half off work – what if we can’t arrive till Thursday as the festival starts!!!
9.) How is the camping outside of town if we miss out on Town Park and can’t afford lodging - are those campgrounds as fun? How is taking the shuttle back and forth all day?