Telluride High School Campground questions

I have booked a ticket for the Telluride High School Campground and I have a few questions. Are there showers there? Where can I park my car? I am assuming you simply put your tent where there’s room. Is this correct? I really appreciate everyone’s help. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Yes, there are showers available in the High School.
I think it’s about $3.00 for unlimited time. :flower

You’ll be able to drive up and unload, then they will tell you where you have to park. It may be at the high school and it may be a few miles away, so make sure you have everything you need. There’s shuttles to get you back. :cheers


Also, from what I gather, it is a strictly zero tolerance zone with families and kiddles in mind.
NO CATTLE for that matter!

Gee, I’m sounding like what my Dad used to say! Oh! Its Father’s Day!

That’s Why!

I don’t see mention of any rules other than “no alcohol or tobacco”. Do we need to worry about the length of our tent stakes or anything else the others do?

Good Question Jody!

For those of you unfamiliar …

Telluride High School Campground

Requires 4-day pass or single-day ticket
This is our quiet, family campground. Tent camping only.
Because this campground is located on Telluride School District property, no alcohol or tobacco is allowed anywhere in the campground. This will be strictly enforced in accordance with all state and federal laws. Any violations will be reported immediately to the Telluride Sheriff and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Location: fields adjacent to Telluride High School at 725 West Colorado Ave (about 0.7 miles from the festival grounds).
Opens: 8am on Wednesday, June 18
Closes: noon on Monday, June 23
Serviced by free shuttle.
Tickets: $50 [ Sold-Out! ]
Does NOT include a festival pass.

If the thought of returning home to your tent for a good night’s rest sounds appealing, this is the campground for you. This campground is designated as the quiet campground for the festival. It is located conveniently on the west edge of town, with access to the high school showers and walking distance to the festival (about three-quarters of a mile).

Dews’ post re no alcohol, drugs, and tobacco has floated around several times but it doesn’t answer the stake question I also have and it doesn’t seem to speak to the class concern. Though I admit that just maybe because I’m still classed as a newbie and thus am not privy to information from the next circle of initiation. :bash

lets see if we can break through: I can say :pirate :pirate AAAARRRRGGGHHh, :lol :rolleyes I can keep a secret :festival :rolleyes :thumbsup I can rock like I think I’m elvis :rock that should get us an answer. A Lot of people think I’m crazy for havin kids 2 years before I turn 50 :flight, ah well maybe we get an answer to it all. Let’s ask the kids! :cheers

Is this an irrigated playing field with underground channels at about 6 inches below surface level that one might could breach with a stake greater than 6" if placed in the unlucky spot? Or is this a field not used for lots of organized play that has no irrigation.

Also if we bring a glass jar of salsa to the high school site are we in-violation of the spirit of the safety codes?

This is a irrigated field and I’m not sure what the rules are for stakes but I would look at the rules for Warner Field camping, “regarding stakes” it’s the same thing, just a different field. Plus the no smoking, drinking, etc. that others have mentioned.