Telluride first City in Colorado to Shelter in Place Mandate, Test ALL Residents

Oprah money.

How does an already isolated town the size of Telluride get enough tests to be testing healthy persons? My city of only 350,000 can’t get enough tests to test those who are sick! Even if everyone in T-ride is positive, the town is already isolated, without skiing and events no-one is traveling there right now.

While all of this is going on, from social isolation to having a complete town on lock-down. Even if it is T-ride. The Fox theater in Sidney Ne has LOWERED the prices for movies. Not only do people here STILL think all of this is all just a hoax. There are no virus tests in western Nebraska. The hospital doesn’t think they will get any tests any time soon. So lets all go to the movie theater. Even worse,they are getting all kinds of praise around here. :mad

Call me skeptical. What makes you think Oprah is involved?

Locals step up to provide free COVID-19 testing
Officials plan to begin operations early next week

^ that’s “how”, but it could have easily have been some strings being pulled in the more classic sense. Your question could easily apply to the $65 million of federal funds spent on the airport rennovations that were completed a few years back. I’m not a fan of it, to say the least.

But I still feel your angst & can only hope your city and others will receive the much needed resources sooner than later. Unfortunately, I don’t have much faith in the current administration (to say the least). Having said that, I believe it is fortunate the federal ↔ state sovereignty part of our nation’s system of government never placed all the eggs in the federal basket & states are able to step up to the plate as a safety net.

Regardless, safe wishes!

I live in the Wood River Valley, Idaho (Sun Valley area). We have had free testing available since Tuesday. Boise, 2 hours away, and 100 times the population, is just getting it rolled out now. We went up there the other day to get our girls tested (fever, cough), and the nurses were hanging out on their phones because there was nobody there. It is ridiculous. It’s $. We’ll get through this, but seems that $ is winning.

School is out here. Homeschooling is the real deal. Wow!

Enjoy those live streams out there folks!

Call me conspiratorial. Oprah is ALWAYS involved.

:lol just having fun

You can call me Al :thumbsup

Testing and retesting a whole town and following the results is a very important part of knowing how the virus is playing out. In this case it’s being funded by the owners of a company who make tests and have a relationship with the town.

This is a good thing. Be pleased that we get data that will prove to be very helpful for national policies and protocols.

Facts not fear

Clean hands

Open hearts.


Utterly appalling. Disgraceful. I’m sorry

Hopefully we will all learn something about transmission from the experiment in Telluride. Testing makes complete shutdowns less likely and/or shorter.