Telluride Fire Restrictions

So Today Town Council instituted Stage 2 restrictions for the Town proper which includes the park. You can read it at the Town of Telluride web page once it gets posted which I assume will be sometime after they adjourn todays meeting. Craig was there along with Park staff and the Chief Staff of the Fire dept. They all weighed in and tried to offer a solution to smoking in the campgrounds that would be reasonable which I think they did. There will be signage and some places will have designated places to enjoy whatever kind of smoke you choose to inhale.

I think the more important thing everyone can do is be good neighbors and watch out for each other. If you see someone smoking in an area that is signed NO Smoking please educate them and let them know that smoking where they have been asked not to is not cool. Its your festival and the town gladly turns over the park and campgrounds to the Festivarians so please do your part and help keep it , Firecracker Hill and Bear Creek safe by being good neighbors and watching out for one another.

If people take care to not be careless with lit objects I think the powers that be will try and stay as hands off as possible and be respectful of everyone and their space. We all know that it is those that have the long history in the TP campground that probably have the most clout and influence over what goes on in there so I know we are all counting on you guys help keep it a safe and enjoyable week for everyone.

Fireman like Bluegrass too and would like to catch a few acts while not on duty that weekend so help the brothers( and sisters) out with your best Smokey the Bear impersonations.

Interesting, seems more than reasonable.

Thank you for the info and for all of your hard work keeping us safe.

:thumbsup Sounds great, thanks, Telluride!
I’m gonna wear my commemorative 4th of July TFD shirts to help all I can. :love :cheers
Any new TFD shirts this year?

Thank you for keeping us updated! Certainly keeping a sharp eye on things.

I’m pretty cloutles, but I’ll do my part :thumbsup

Hope you catch at least a few sets. Volunteer for the First Aid tent! Great views from there.

Thanks again for all your help sorting out the various restrictions across various entities :cheers

Any restrictions on camp stoves/propane fire?

Here is the rundown on restriction levels. Hopefully the link works:

Thanks. Looks like a camp stove would meet the requirements if used at least 3 feet from flammable materials and it has a shut-off valve. Very helpful.