Tedeschi/Trucks on Friday???? huh???

We were kinda thinking Thursday would be better, easier to get to SLC; but, this would be a really awesome band, but weren’t we done with headliners?
If we were to hire this, we’d certainly not have enough time or money for The Dirt Band, ya know?

Heck, we’d even have to choose between the Wood Brothers and the Railsplitters, wouldn’t we?

Then, we’d really have no time to present bands that maybe you guys haven’t had the chance to get to know yet.

Tough choices!!!

Oh that all sounds good! Muchas garcias!

:rollin :clap :hop :pipe :love :rock :pickin :festivarian2 :budumdum :pipe2 :drunk :band :rollin :clap :hop :jester :woohoo :oconnor :hop

Hello?..is this thing on???

You teaser you :blue_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::green_heart::blue_heart:

Scrambled that is how I like em. :flower

Danger, danger Will Robinson, too much good Bluegrass ahead. Going to be an excellent 4 days no matter how you slice it.

Nitty Gritty Dirt Band… a first for me and a few others as well. This is not JUST a Fest.

It is a magical musical mystery ride. :medal

Cows been keeping you busy Ferg? :cow

Great work, Ferg! :cheers