Take a deep breath.
You are coming to Festivaria, unlike any transformed town you’ve ever seen, or heard.
Festivarians have a positive vibe (we are all here for the same reason)!
There are limited number of tickets sold.
The TBF staff are super friendly and helpful. The closer you get to the venue the more volunteers are there to assist.
It’s great to get there early, but better without stress. You’ll be amazed at the sound and clarity in most parts of the stadium.
The gondola is a must do! It’s the coolest transportation! Nothing compares to the first time you see your new forever town, while floating silently in the air. Indelible emotion and sights will permeate your senses. And then you go to the concert and get your mind blown away again and again, all day long till you can’t take any more. And it starts all over again the next day and the next and next.
Beware of crowd swells at the gondola lines. Be contrarian choosing optimum times to cross over the mountain. However, the gondola staff is super efficient and processes lines quickly.
There is often a single rider line as well. It’s a 6 minute walk to the box office/ venue.
Know what to do when you go through bag check. Hide nothing, pass through fast. Open your zips and bags so they don’t have to. They can pat down, squeeze, question and open anything you bring in. They are firm but fair. No glass! Bring snacks but there are many great food vendors inside the show (dumplings anyone)?
Actually it’s a pop up food court and shopping strip mall.
There’s also workshops in town open to anyone.
I’d give this fest a number one rating over all the others. It’s a well oiled machine.
Your tickets are priceless, you’ll see.
Not everyone gets there on Wednesday. Or Thursday or Friday, some only sat and sun.
Get rest, be organized and hydrate. Bring less and more cash lol.
There is a med tent staffed with paramedics for basic needs. Usually a massage booth
Oh, there are huge spigots of fresh filtered mountain chilled water to refill endlessly inside. It’s usually in the mall corner. Great way to cool down when temps feel above 80°
The temp swing can be 30-40°. Plan accordingly. Inevitably it may rain. It could snow but let’s not go there.
Helps to read the actual rules and regs on TBF website. Good to know your rights.
Last note, if you get the chance to visit ilium campground, it’s the last festival campground in the boondocks with bus shuttle (40-50 min ride) travel to from. You mentioned staying “out of town”. This to me was out of town! It’s primitive and the lowest cost, but if you have to commute it’s one more option. This was a once, for us.
There is last minute buying and selling of tickets by private owners. Check the message boards near will call.
Hope that helps.
Just show up. The fest does the rest.