TBF Rookie here. Wedding location advice, please.

Hello all. Festivarian Forum & Planet Bluegrass newbie here. I’ll also be a newbie at the Telluride Bluegrass Festival next year (can’t wait!). My fiance and I are considering getting married while there. Our only requirement is a spectacular view. No fancy anything as we want a small ceremony.

I’ve never been to Colorado. Advice on a small spot to say “I do” while viewing the panorama is much appreciated.

Thank you!

Oh wow, you are in for a treat! :thumbsup

Advice on a small spot to say “I do” while in Telluride??? How bout anywhere but inside? Seriously.

Congratulations and welcome to the party. :cheers

Thank you, Billy! :wave

Outside “I do’s” are definitely a must. Honestly, a clergy official and a small patch of land to stand on is all we need. Not much planning required for us.

Morning, midday, afternoon? Which is best?

Hey :wave You are a lucky girl. Telluride is a great spot to get married in. If it were me I would hike up to the waterfall… It’s an easy hike and so beautiful it will be remembered forever…

It rains in the afternoon generally around 2-3:00. But it does not last long, generally. Best wishes to you. :cheers

Myself and another Town Park veteran are ordained ministers and performed a wedding in Town Park this past year.
You can contact me directly if you have any questions. :flower

Much obliged, Landshark.

Tom, you will be hearing from me! :thumbsup

The living room at Camp Run a muck has a great view and it isright next door to Mayor Tom’s place. Have it tuesday afternoon and we’ll throw a special oyster bbq for you and your own.


If you arrive early we can all give you tours of multiple locations. Bridal Veil Falls (drive). Bear Creek Falls (hike). Tomboy Road (hike). Top of the gondola (free ride). The middle of Main St (easy walk). They all are amazing views.

And if Hippie does up the oysters for you then I’ll throw in some shots of Crunchy Frog to make sure you look and feel your best the next morning.

You folks are amazing! Thank you for the warm, sincere welcome and advice. I’m reading it all to my man right now. I might have more questions for all of you.

Merry Christmas and Happy Happy Hanukkah!

my wife and i got married in grand caymen on new years eve 1 year ago - then 6 months later we went to TBF. We were both like…we should have waited for here!!! :slight_smile:

great decision to get married there - you won’t regret it - and to get married by Telluride Tom…what an honor!!!

PS - just turned my mother in law on to the Bela Fleck Xmas album - she is lovin it

peace ya’ll

My Wife and I were married in Telluride the Saturday before TBF.
We had the ceremony at the top of Coonskin and Telluride Trail just outside the San Sofia Gondola Station.
It was great to have a few days after the wedding to hang out and recover before TBF started.
Good Luck!
Brant :thumbsup

Deb and I Got married
in 2003 by Rev Dave of Fishbone
with the one and only Telluride Tom
as my best man …The Greatist Day of my Life !