1.Will we be able to get our wristbands on Tuesday?
2. If we get in line by 6 AM on the campers side should we be within the first 10 folks in line?
3. Willing to team up with folks in running of the tarps. We only need room for two chairs.
We are long time music festival krewe members. (Krewe = crew) (cajun country)
4. This is our first Telluride Bluegrass and second music festival in Telluride.
- More than likely, yes. :thumbsup
- Maybe, maybe not. Tarp run numbers will be passed out in random fashion so you could get #1 or #121. :eek
- Get to know your neighbors or buddy up with a veteran, it never hurts. :flower
- Welcome to the family. You’ll have a blast. :wave
If you only need room for two chairs do you really need a tarp? Folk will let you share their tarp! Just remember to only bring low chairs
Has there ever been any bear sightings in Town Park during fest?
The four-legged variety wouldn’t be anywhere close unless desperate and/or starving.
Plenty of sightings of the urban dictionary style two-legged variety, occasionally desperate but rarely starving.
They are near so be bear aware. Bear Creek Trail early morning there was a bear sighting but alot of folks in town and I have never heard of any in town. I was told they have walked through the Bear Creek Lodge last year as they were having a party.
1.What time do the gates open each morning to run the tarps in?
2.What time do they hand out numbers?
3.What if we miss getting a number, but end up being first person in line after everyone
with numbers has enter about where would we be. # 300 in line??
another question
4. from another thread: Is this still the policy? No numbers for Town Park campers, first come first served.
Those not camping at Warner/TP, have their own line, and there are no numbers. Those that get in line first, get into the festival first.
There’s currently nothing to prevent those camping at Warner/TP to get in said line.
Get there early on Wednesday for WF camping. We arrived around 7:30am and there were about 50 people already lined up. We were able to get a great spot but it gets very crowded - our tents were right on top of each other. Still a great time though - I would totally do it again :flower
As I read these threads, I am surprised to see that getting a decent camp site for four people in Town Park can be difficult if we arrive Wednesday afternoon (i.e., the day before the beginning of the festival). I figured the point of the lottery is to allow for everyone who has been chosen in the lottery to get a decent spot. Is it really a bad idea to get there on Wednesday afternoon?
PB: If your time constraints mean arriving on Wednesday PM, then it is what it is. Look around, ask around, intro yourself, but it’s pretty likely you’ll be choosing lesser of evils in one way or another, but you’ll find something.
If you have the ability to arrive sooner, do it- for a whole variety of reasons: acclimate, festivate, relax, explore, meet people, first grass, etc.
Thanks, man. Good to know. I’ll see if we can arrive a day earlier than originally planned. I appreciate your response!
You could arrive on Friday and still find space, but it will be limited, and not primo. AnythingAtAll and everyone here will echo, getting there as early as possible is by far the best way to go, and not at all for the campsites. So much fun stuff happens before Wednesday. In my opinion I go early to get hikes, rides, and time in town out of the way so I don’t have to miss any music to take in the sights. Plus theres crawfish.
In order to get the full Town Park experience you need to get there well before Wednesday.
As the mayor of Town Park I can tell you that we have a very unique community that is centered around the fun of being there.
Each camp has it’s own special day to host an event for the masses, and it’s well worth the extra time.
Wednesday afternoon before Firstgrass is when I kick of the festival with my proclamation during Rum-balls at the MASH camp, and you don’t want to miss that.
Quite a few of us have been there over a week before just to get in preparation for all the newcomers.
Welcome to the family. :thumbsup
As Tom said, this Festival starts on the Saturday before the festival. There are planned events everyday. Last year on Saturday Paul from Camp Duk Tape hosted a Crawfish feed. Sunday was the Goddess Parade, Monday was Bloody Mary Monday and the Singer Songwriter Competition in Camp Run A Muck! Tuesday we had a wedding and Camp Crossroads Hosted “Tropical Tuesday”. Wednesday was the Beer Tasting ( I may have messed that up as I was pretty drunk by Wednesday). Wednesday also is RummmmmmmmBaaaaaaaallllllllllsssss!!! Followed by First Grass and the Pot Luck in camp Billy! Whew, I am exhausted just thinking about it, and I left some stuff out, like live music in Run A Muck every night! So as you can see, you sell yourself short if you don’t get there early! Most of us Town Parker’s would come even if there wasn’t a Festival planned, that is a bonus! I have had enough, back to Re-Hab so I can get back to the Festaval!
Good morning! We had a little tarp trauma last year in that those we asked to share with were pretty crabby about it. We would like to try and get a tarp number this year and make sure others feel welcome to use it when we are gone and share it when we are there. Could I get the lowdown on where we go for random tarp numbers and recommended times, tarp set up times and any other tarp etiquette I may need to know about? Thank you so much! :flower
In twenty years, that only happened to us once, but I agree, it was not at all pleasant, we actually felt a little ashamed and had to relocate to a different part of the field. And since then, especially since there are two of us, we’ve had no issues at all, and when we arrive in the morning there are lot of open spaces and we are later encouraged to remain. So if there aren’t many of you, you may want to assume the best.
Thank you happytimes! We rolled with it. There are four of us and possibly meeting more, so I would love to put a tarp down a day or two and share with others on the other days. What time should I get there for tarp set up each day?
Nevermind! Found the info. I was looking for. Thank you!