TBF Music is "live streaming" on KOTO right now - you can get it

My peace !
is all i give to you

back in time to enjoy Ani’s set!

still looks like a stunning early eve in the Ride

Damn Missed Ani …just got home from shopping from Lowes

Spring Creek sounding TIGHT!

KOTO rocks!

Bela and the Boys are taking “it” way over the top! I thought Bela’s opening banjo solo was a stark reminder that the banjo instrument can be so remarkably played. Blackberry Blossom w/Sam was a great treat. It’s gonna be great to see all these Musicians at Rocky Grass… and JD Crowe too.

Gotta Love Peter Rowan and the Free Mexican Airforce!!

Leftover Salmon and Sam jammed it OUT last night!!

was out in the backyard until 1:30am jammin away with them!

this is what i LOVE about TBF! every year i discover a new artist that blows me away…

this year it has to be Tift Merritt…what an awesome sound, what an awesome set!!

I MADE SURE to tune in for Jerry’s set. You can quote me on this one - regarding the opening tune – “Are You Kidding Me? Wow!”

2nd tune just finished… I have to add “un-f-ing-believable.” They just set the damn bar so friggin’ high. I can’t believe what I’m hearing!!!

you’re not kiddin…!!!

Jerry is on it today…just finished “A Remark You Made” … one of my fav JD tunes!!


I’m looking forward to Brett Dennen. He was impressive at JazzFest.

“Route Irish” was a powerful tune, and “Glide” almost made me weep.

go, Yonder, go!!! woooohooooo!!!


wow wow wow wow wow

Yonder is incredible

i bet EVERYONE is up dancing right now. i know i am!!



damnnn… I had to pry myself outta the homestead - to get out and bike and hike for a couple of hrs… perfect day in Ft Collins. Made sure to get back inside by 7:50 for the king.

1st two tunes sounded just like early 70s NGR. banjo was on-point w/ Courtney licks, and so was guitarist w/Curtis sounding solo. This is gonna be an awesome 2 hours…

Peace my Brothers and Sisters
being the geek I am we found a Wifi hookup in the neighborhood !!
sitting in the new Command Center Jamming the neighbors arse off
on John Cowan …sweet !!!

what a great show it was.

i’m starting to feel it now. was up until 1am listening to the house band, up at 6am for work. sitting here at my desk and starting to feel it hit me.

normally, this would be recovery-day in Telluride.