TBF 2008 Lost & Found

I can’t be the only one with missing stuff, so I’ll start this off.

So far, other than a few inconsequential items, I’m missing:

1 grey Nalgene w/a well-worn Railroad Earth sticker and a fish (not phish) sticker. Maybe an Osprey sticker, too. Probably lost & found somewhere in the Town Park campground.


Just so everyone knows…

The truck should be arriving here this evening with the unclaimed lost and found items. I will get a chance to look through said items on Monday.

If you lost something, post in this thread and I’ll take a gander for it on Monday.




I think Erndog and I have you trumped. We had a bit of a “who was picking up what” snaffu and left two 5 gallon Breck kegs, a battery operated icream maker and blender, and a box of booze behind. We figure there’s a very happy drunk person eating ice cream on the streets of Telluride right now.

CSI Mike

Speaking of lost items…


I think I left my Folk Alley mug in the cup holder rack on the wall in the pantry. Did it survive the trip?

I think I lost my mind.
Why did I leave Tride and come home to this(stacks of paper that need my attention) :eek

My list of missing items:

My shampoo, conditioner and a bag of toiletry sundries.
A pair of brown pants
The very same sunglasses I left last year, which Jerry kindly returned via mail… pppfffttt!
A little bag of watercolor paints, brushes, and a 4 x 6 sketchbook/palette
My brand new Kelsyus festival chair (I can identify it Dustin… there’s something in one of the pockets)

and finally…

My soft, callous free feet… I ended up wearing the blackened, gnarly feet of a dirt gnome home.

xoxo R


A friend is looking for a sweater with Dragon on it. From Macy’s. That’s all I know about it, but it was a from a companion and it means a lot to him

Hope you’re all as fortunate as me - my Nalgene surfaced in less than 3 hours!

Good luck with the ice cream maker, Mike. Sounds like a great campsite luxury.

And Rhonny, I think those sunglasses were just not meant for you. Some force in the universe is steering them to someone else. Better off not fighting it.

But I can’t wait to hear what kind of missing items were left in the pocket of your Kelsyus chair… :thumbsup

Dustin, we packed up all that our companions left on SUnday and trucked it over to the L&F at TP, so hopefully they claimed their stuff.

Despite my best efforts and alledged concientious seep of the room, I managed to leave a pair of prescription glasses somewhere.

No luck with the condo folks yet, no razzing about the condo camping from the cheap seats please!

Believe there is a slim chance I drove off with them in the case on top of the car, so the Lord only knows where they may have eneded up.

Regardless, they should be in a hard shell case, in case they turn up on the truck or at some point later.

Presuming you can find a way to get word back to me festivaria style!

Thanks in advance! Not just for looking but for everything!

Obviously had a great time, some of my better work for sure!

no comment.

IF anyone found a northface daypack with a camera and misc baby stuff please let me know. I left it right by the entrance to warner field.

We found a camera at the Tiki Bar, along with a few other interesting items :eek

Keith and Lara have the camera and I’m thinking they will download a few of the photos and see if anyone recognizes them.

Biggest bummer Bevin is the loss of my red Nalgene with my Road to Riches stickers on it. Anyone???


LOST: One black Patagonia fleece jacket - wemon’s size medium …(lost in the festival on Sunday night), please let me know if you have found it (third fleece lost in 3 years - third times a charm???)

FOUND: One digital camera… a Cannon powershot A540, found at the Tiki Bar, pictures to come…

My list of missing items:

My shampoo, conditioner and a bag of toiletry sundries.
A pair of brown pants
The very same sunglasses I left last year, which Jerry kindly returned via mail… pppfffttt!
A little bag of watercolor paints, brushes, and a 4 x 6 sketchbook/palette
My brand new Kelsyus festival chair (I can identify it Dustin… there’s something in one of the pockets)

and finally…

At least , we found your keys…
Rhonny- We may need to velcro some of you items to you… :flower

I lost this shirt…no idea when or how :drunk

I also lost my mind, but, then again, there wasn’t much left to lose

And I left my heart behind, but that’s okay, I’ll return next year to hold onto it for awhile, only to leave it again

We found in Maple Alley:

one small interesting dangly earring.

I would happily mail it back to the owner or deliver it at RockyGrass. (g-luv, could it be yours? )


Watch it there She-Ra! :bag

xoxo R

P.S. Did you get your t-shirt made?!

No, not mine. Though I am still hoping the hoop I lost at RockyGrass last year will come back to me. It wasn’t Jeri’s? She lost a dangly earring.

Wow, man! You lost some pretty good chit! I can’t complain, I lost 8 avocados and a tent stake and tent pole bag. I’m sure they’ll turn up next year!