T-ride Airport Closed During Bluegrass??

Just saw this on The Watch website:

The Federal Aviation Administration has released $21 million for Phase Two of the Telluride Regional Airport’s runway improvement project.

As a result, the airport will be closed between April 7 and Nov. 2 while the runway is rebuilt. :frowning:

Holy No Flights Batman !!!

Bbbutttt… I have a steam powered aeroplane. It doesn’t need much runway to land :wink:


For Ron, in my best Sweet Southern Granny voice…

Oh, I’m very sorry about that dear. I know you were looking forward to joining us… but since the poor little airplaines aren’t flying I think you should just contact Ron N Deb or Telluride Tom. These two gentlemen will make sure those tickets go to a well deserving, Established Festivarian. Many of those folks that attend year after year have been having trouble purchasing a ticket this year because we’ve had some not so honest folk :evil SCALPING THE TICKETS! :evil I’m tellin ya, if I could get my hands on those youngin’s they’d be wishin’ it was their Mama takin’ them out of church… sorry, I kinda got away from my point there for a moment. AnyWho…

Ron and the Mayor will make sure only Face Value is paid for the ticket(s).

O.K. Dear, you run along now and we’ll see you in 2010, after the ski resorts close. Yup, nice meetin’ you too! :wave

Thanks Again for the tickets,
Auntie Hope :pickin :green

Have I ever meantion how much I Love you Hope ???
:flower :flower :flower :flower :flower

I already have a flight booked to Telluride. I just spoke to the airline and they said they would be rerouting and preseting customers with alternate options in the next week or so. I wanted to change my flight to Montrose right now but they said if I make the change on my own now I have to pay $150/ticket change fee. Hopefully what they come up with is acceptable. I don’t want to wait too long and not get a flight. Coming all the way from NJ.

I am so glad I read this board!!!

Jersey?!? Which Exit!?! :lol I mean, which town?

Auntie Hope :pickin :green

he he :slight_smile: that’s funny - last year at Telluride some asked me the same question - we live in Freehold - where Springsteen is from and all - it is bit off the Parkway - I guess it somewhere between 123 and 98 or something like that - we are more off rt 9 than the pkway

are you a jersey girl? :slight_smile:

Cool cool… I’m grew up in Hamilton NJ myself

Nope. I’m a Florida kid that’s been transplanted to Nashville. My son is stationed just outside of Atlantic City. Coast Guard!

Adam… did I know that? I know you used to get to shows in PMom’s neck of the woods, now that I think about it. Speaking of Jersey… seen PKid lately? She’s ALL grown up!

Auntie Hope :pickin :green

wait Hope has a son ???
did I know this or am I just Hungover ???

Yep, I lived about 15 mins from PMom. And yeah, I know it… turns out PKid is now attending my alma matter!


ok…back to the subject at hand. Your bluegrass investigator (me) has come up with the following information:


This little tid-bit is for you guys thinking of flying in to Telluride. If you were planning on it, I would advise doing so ASAP. 1) tickets are usually cheaper in advance (relatively speaking) and 2. if they do have to move your flight to somewhere else, they would be responsible for shuttling you to Telluride. That can be a savings of $100+. SO…if you were thinking about it/ planning on it…don’t let this thread scare you too much.


Great Lakes would encourage their customers to continue to book their flights into Telluride until the dates of the airport closure are official. Passengers with a confirmed reservation into Telluride will be re-accommodated on an available flight into Cortez should their original flight be canceled. As soon as a firm date is set, Great Lakes will begin contacting all of our Telluride passengers scheduled to fly during this time and begin the re-accommodation process.

thanks Dustin. I got an email back from the airport in Telluride today and he advised me the airlines will officially be aware of the closure in a week and they will begin rerouting and rescheduling flights at that time. Cortez or Montrose - either will be OK with me.

I hadn’t thought about them paying for the transportation from the new airport to Telluride - that is a very good point - thanks :slight_smile:

In case anyone is interested or is in a similar situation…I am coming in from NJ and had my flight booked to T-ride. I spoke to the airline the other day and they told me they couldn’t change my filght until the airport closure was official (it is going to happen but it isn’t officially anounced yet) which will be 2-4 weeks. So, they couldn’t change my flight without a fee. I found a flight into Montrose CHEAP!!! Much less than the flight into T-ride and much less than a flight into Montrose had cost when I initially booked a few months ago. I was not comfortable with waiting another 2-4 weeks to get this settled or being dependant upon the airline to reroute me with something “acceptable.” So, I changed my flight to Montrose and the difference in the two flights absorbed the change fee…plus the rest of the difference gave me a nice credit on the airline that I have 1 year to use. So…it worked out. I just wanted to post this in case there are some other people in a similar position. I am kind of anal retentive and I was not OK with waiting on the airline to fix it. If they gave me a rerouted flight at bad days or times it would have been a big bummer.

Anyway…I hope that helps someone. :slight_smile:


:wave We love you for anal retentivenance. Don’t worry, be happy. Eat bacon and waffles and brisket. Pet your dog, don’t dog your pet, it’s bad, very bad. We will all be together @ TBF.

You are loved.

Come celebrate with us on the solstice in Telluride.


Did someone say Anal ?
Just do what you have do to to get there … Karma will do the rest !

he he - i love this forum - see you all in june :wave