
One suggestion, perhaps you could include a folder for Other instruments… this could include dulcimer, ukulele, etc.


What Tom was so politely trying to say, is we have a thread for what you think we should add to the forum as we get it up and running in a fashion that works for everyone. :wink:

I tend to agree with you in regards to your suggestion, but it seems that some people have been a bit overwhelmed by the number of boards so far. My suggestion to you is to hop over on the General Discussion and start a poll to see if you can get some support for the new board. I’d be happy to add it if indeed the (((masses))) want it. :cheers

Anything you want to see as an extra in this forum, post it here. :thumbsup

Note: Due to the learning curve we’re all experiencing here this thread was modified from it’s original content to suit the topic.

Some of these entries may not have been posted in the correct order, and may
me missing original replies
Thanks for your understanding… :wink:

here’s another one, I notice at the bottom of the home page, you can see who’s online? is it possible to have an area where we can chat with those that are visiting the site? I can see Ron-n-Deb are here now, how can I say Hi??

There is no chat function in this forum, but you can always send a private message to have them meet you in my chat room. :lol
For those of you that haven’t stopped by on Monday nights, it’s…

As Tom said, there isn’t currently a chat feature, though it’s something that we are looking into.

You can always hop onto the General Discussion board and start a new thread saying “Ron-n-Deb…come on in!”…and you guys can chat-it-up post style. (it’ll help with your post count, too) :wink:

…and if ever you want a thread deleted afterwards, just let me or Tom know. :cheers

or,as mentioned above, you could take it to pm’s for a little more privacy.

I’d like to see a secondary level of “stable” categories for messages. I mentioned to Tom but thought I’d suggest it “officially”. When I click on Telluride Bluegrass Festival and see four “pages” of topics, I’d like to see one general page that people could post into. It’s hard to keep up with all the new messages, but I’d like to.

I’m only familiar with town park but I could see each camping area have a “Town Park Check In” for camps to check in and chat via messages. Maybe a “getting there” for people who are seeking info about rides. If you look at the four pages, they all fit into general info. Or force some general info topics to the top. New ones appear - and I’m not sure what order is set.

Still keeping the forum open for comments, but adding a sub-level. The old yahoo one was easier to see new comments and keep up. This style is more sophisticated but, for me, harder to keep up with the news & friends.

Thanks for your time.

I think there should be more choices for pix.

But I do like that Ovation!

Not sure what you mean by more choices.
Have you checked out the “Snapshots” section at the bottom of the main page?

well. i guess i have to get my skanner working so I can load a pix of myself.I work w my hands not computers. so i’m tecy challenged.


Gotcha! If you need help figuring it out, be sure to give a shout.
I’ll do what I can. :cheers

Tom, Just a thought, are ya’ll going to delete out all of the ticket swap posts at the end of the season so that next year there are not 20 or more pages? Maybe some kind of function where threads that have had no activity in several months get zapped. Just a thought I had as I was looking for an older thread a little while ago.
See you Thursday!! :cheers

Oh good, that would be great! Then Daniela, anne and I could start posting threads like…

“Are the tickets on sale YET?”

“DID the LOTTERY start YET?”


Dustin will be deleting them either after Rockygrass, or after Folks. :thumbsup

You and Daniela starting threads, I would never believe it!! :lol

Mark -

Since the ticket/exchange board got comandeered by Rockygrass…I decided to wait until the end of the festival season to wipe it clean.

Auntie Hope…don’t even think about it. :lol


Oh, Big Man behind the “Delete Thread” button.

:lol I’m shakin’ in my boots. :lol

I can have the Bluegrass Mafia fill your voice mail in 20 minutes, and don’t you forget it! :lol :evil :lol

Love Ya! :thumbsup
Auntie Hope :pickin

Now Children… :wave

Your uncle Jerry is asking you to behave yourselves, :flower

:cheers :cheers

Hey Uncle Jerry! We wasn’t doin’ nothin’ but laughin’! see ----> :lol

You and I are not in Lyons… no “little rays of sunshine”… and it rained. How 'bout them apples! :lol

:rollin Auntie Hope :rollin