Steep Canyon Rangers Nightgrass - Greensky schmeensky

Most of my festi-friends are die hard GSMFBG fans (and so am i). But I’ve missed SCR’s last NG at the Sheridan and do not want to miss this year’s.

So, just wondering who else out there is also looking forward to seeing Steep Canyon at the Sheridan this year and will not be seeking at Greensky ticket.

Billy, you know I cannot possibly miss my boys on my once a year gig but here is a deal. If I get a ScR ticket and you get a Greensky, let’s swap!

We made this choice last year and went to Wood Bros at SOH over GSBG. (I actually ended up with tickets to GSBG, Wood Brothers and Lil Smokies that night) I was very torn, but fortunately I have a wife to make decisions for me. :lol It was a great show, no ragrats.

Having said that, we are back at the Palm this year for GSBG. Assuming we get tickets :burn


I’ve only seen SCR’s with Steve Martin, and they were amazing, even though at times Martin kind of holds them back. I’d bet they put on one hell of a nightgrass show.

I know, this is a really tough conflict! Greensky Nightgrass is always excellent but, SCR don’t get to Telluride often enough and I can’t get enough of their last album. At the risk of sounding totally selfish, I even thought for a second about doing a Set 1 with SCR and Set 2 with Greensky but that wouldn’t be the Telluride way to hog up 2 in demand tickets…In the meantime, I’ll get a good dose of Greensky at Bender next weekend. Hope to see many Telluride friends there!

Isn’t Shenandoah Valley a superb song? Reminds me of the old Brothers Four songs we used to listen to when we were young.

Yes!! Such a catchy melody. I especially love the line they throw in “Can’t anybody get along in this world?”

Oh we love to dilly dally in the San Juan River Valley all day. :cheers

That’s too perfect. I’m singing it this way from now on!

I agree! We will get a good dose of the boys next week! :thumbsup

Me and my crew are definitely going to SCR. I got to see them at the Sheridan in September 2017 (and an obscene number of times before and since), and it was a fantastic show. Those boys burn it up!

Excellent. Please make sure you enter Nightgrass for SCR. That might mean I score a Greensky ticket this year. Spread the love around :green_heart::blue_heart::green_heart::blue_heart:

We always do! :flower

I can’t hang at Nightgrass. But I Love SCR new album and So excited to see them back this year!!

Does this mean we still have our annual once a year date or are you going to SCR? :green_heart::blue_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::green_heart:

SCORED Steep Canyon Rangers! :hop :hop :hop Get me outta this town…and straight to Telluride!!!

Let me know if you are going to SCR cause I have a spare Greensky for you

Our camp didn’t get any of our SCR tickets. :cry::cry::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::cry::cry::cry::cry:. If we get lucky and find some, we’ll see you there!

It’s so funny that we all love that little tune. Graham wrote it on a van ride to a gig through VA. When they arrived at the gig Graham said that he wrote a song while he was driving and they would sing it that night! Wasn’t supposed to be much of anything but a little ditty.

Thanks SCR fans, I’m super happy to have scored Greensky tickets for Nightgrass