State Bridge Lodge Destroyed by Fire

For those of you who have enjoyed concerts at the historical state bridge lodge you will be saddened to hear that a fire destroyed the lodge and stage at state bridge early saturday morning. For those registered to receive updates from should have received the following e-mail:

To all the amazing supporters of State Bridge Lodge,

As I am sure most of you heard the historic State Bridge Lodge caught on fire at 4:30am Saturday morning, June 2nd. The most important thing is that no one was hurt in the fire, but a few employees lost everything. I cannot put into words at this time they way we all feel about such a huge loss, especially those of us who have put in many many years of blood, sweat and tears to passionately strive to make State Bridge the beautiful and prosperous place it deserves to be.

I am truly blown away by the massive amounts of emails, text messages, phone messages and passing words of kindness and encouragement in this tough time. EVERYONE HAS OFFERED TO HELP IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER AND I WILL TAKE YOU ALL UP ON THIS! This has touched me more than anything and has kept all of our spirits high.

I am obviously overwhelmed right now and will up date the web site in a few days with more information about the future but here is what I have figured out so far.

The BANYAN plus dj J. BOOGIE AND dj IVY show which was slated for State Bridge today is going to be performed at my other club in Vail called Samana Lounge…I hope everyone can come out and share stories about the lodge and hear some insane music…Stephen Perkins of Jane’s Addiction and Brian Jordan of Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe are part of the act and they are killer…there might even be some guest appearances!
Samana is located next to the covered bridge in down town Vail Village – SHOWTIME 9PM!

I am working on bringing some of the upcoming artists to Samana for some intimate shows; Karl Denson has said he’ll do anything to help, as have many many other artists!

I hope to clear the land at State Bridge next week preserving all the original stones from the foundation and with some luck from Eagle County will attempt to put up a tent and hold shows out there starting with the Radiators…I WILL DO EVERYTHING I CAN TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN!

Thank you all very much again for all the love you have put out there, I hope to see you soon! MANY MORE UPDATES TO COME THIS WEEK!

With love & respect!

Scott Stoughton & State Bridge Lodge

Heard about it on Saturday, I’ve seen many great shows there.
Sorry about the misfortune, hope you can get back on track soon.

Del & the Boys were to play there this weekend. Have not heard if they are going to reschedule or move the venue. My summer was booked most weekend with shows at the ole SBL. It will surely be missed. According to Scotty one of the owners, it is not a matter of if but when they rebuild!

I can’t stop getting teared up every time I hear mention of it. This is a great loss for Coloradans and anyone who enjoys an old-fashioned good time. I can swing a hammer (though my husband may disagree with that), paint, plant flowers, or whatever is needed. Please let us know when/if you want community help to rebuild.


For those interested in helping rebuild, please sign up for their e-mail notifications at You will receive periodic updates and I am sure there will be ‘rebuild state bridge’ fundraisers. I know Scotty and the gang will keep everyone well informed as to the rebuilding efforts.