Stars taking a walk...

Just wanted to open a discussion of which artists you’ve seen get off the stage and join us Festivarians elsewhere. I bring this up because I remember seeing and interacting with the Monks the last time they were at TBF.

One of my favorite memories was running into Jeff Austin after a Yonder performance about 4 years ago. He was cruising thru Town Park, taking pictures with people on their way to and from their tents. He noticed my Harry Carey Cubs hat and we started talking baseball. For the next half hour, we talked baseball, interrupted only by the ongoing photo requests. It was totally unexpected, really fun and something I’ll never forget.

So who have YOU run into, either in Town Park, downtown, or wherever before or after their time on the T-ride stage???

Sam Bush at the porta pottie

2 years ago I wasn’t paying attention and literally ran into the banjo player from Mumford knocking him back. I apologized and kept walking without noticing who it was until people around me were asking why I ran over the Mumford fella.

Ran into James Taylor at the Village Market. He was in front of me in line and was buying cheese, crackers, and a six pack of Heineken. I told him the beer was only 3.2 in grocery stores.
He looked at the cashier as they nodded and said “Oh well”.

Walked through town chatting with Victor Wooten on his way to his room back in the 1980’s.

Tim O’Brien played for us at camp Run-a-muck a couple years ago.

Although I didn’t get to see her, Amy Grant was at my camp drinking moonshine while I was in the festival and then dedicated a song to me during her set.

And of course plenty of people have seen Vince Herman and his merry pranksters roaming through Town Park late at night. :lol

So many stories…here’s my favorite though…

Monday morning after fest, 2000. We were going to get married July 1, and had really wanted to do it in Telluride, but the logistics for the family weren’t going to make it possible. We settled for the “Next best thing”, and got our marriage license in Telluride the morning after the fest. On the way back, we stopped at the Floridora, got a bloody mary to celebrate, and sat in the front window next to the bar to people watch.

Sam bush walks in, sits at the end of the bar and gets a drink. I started to talk to him, and a few minutes later, Lynn walks in to sit with him. When I tols them we were on our way back from getting out marriage license, she thought it was so cool, it set her off on a tear telling us stories about their wedding. I’m not going to share those stories, 'cause Sam seemed a little embarrassed by the whole thing, honestly.

Talked to Jeff Austin after the Punch Bros SOH show last year. Just told him how his band was my FIRST ever bluegrass show. And it was their 1000th show here in Des Moines at Simon Estes. He went off on how much he loves Simon Estes. Then I got all fanboyish, and just told him how I wouldnt even be in Telluride if it werent for their 1000th show or really their band (YMSB was my gate keeper into the wonderful world of Bluegrass)… He seemed really touched by that. Gave the man a bro hug, and went on my way. Really awesome guy!

great stories so far…

Zac Brown picking with Dave in the ‘primitive’ area till the sun came up with a “Guess we should leave…we have to be on stage in a few hours”

Tom’s already mentioned Tim (which I heard from the playground & wondered who it could be that would sound like Tim O’Brien so much) & Amy…

RRE by the TP bathroom

Vince as he walked towards my tent, heard my words, and then went another way to Anahuac elsewhere…

having a smoke near the back of the crowd one night and someone walk up next to me and chat for a few minutes about music and Telluride…then I said “That’s some good sh@#$ up there” and him replying “Yeah it sure is” and turning to see rowan walking away.

so many Gondola rides with people like Tim, Jeff, Daryl, Darrell, and my other brother Darel, Jerry, Dave, and others…maybe not as great as sitting next to them flying into Montrose, tho

Kang playing on a corner to no one in particular

the Port-a-Party guys no matter where they are playing…

many others I am sure…

Many , many encounters and all seemed to be placed in my paticular spot just for my eyes to see. Or so it seems. Don’t we all think that :medal So many encounters of the wonderful kind and sometimes I do not realize whom I am dealing with until after :lol Jokes on meeeeeeeeee :medal

I walked into fest and put my head up and the very first thing I see, Bare Naked Ladies all smilin at me :lol It was crazy wonderful good!

Makes me smile to this day! :medal

Just like you…I love the fact that we just might share a bag of popcorn with John Prine . Just like us. LOVE THAT and love PBG for keepin it tight. Kiss kiss! :medal

I have a few but this one was pretty funny. It was in the mid 90’s I believe and I was walking into the old Belmont Liquor’s and kinda putzing thru looking at something and holding up the line of people coming in and someone goosed me :eek and said, “keep it moving” I turned around and it was Shawn Colvin and I just cracked up. It was back in her heavy drinking days because she looked pretty buzzed as well as I.

I only have one story, but it is a good one.

2010 was my first year attending TBF. I was relatively new to the whole bluegrass thing, and didn’t really know who was who.

I decided to play a round of golf at the country club on Wednesday afternoon before the festivities in Mountain Village. I was on my own, but come fourth hole, I had to wait for a foursome in front of me. There was another single behind me, and he caught up to me while I was waiting at the 5th teebox.

He said, “Well, we’re both waiting on this foursome… Mind if I join you?” I said sure. He introduced himself as Bryan. He asked me if I’m here for the festival. I answered in the affirmative. “Watching, or performing?” “Just watching… You?” “Performing.” I asked which band he is in, and after he answered, I recalled that there was, in fact, a Bryan in the House Band.

Great thread, everyone.

Keep 'em coming!

Jewel in the men’s showers in Town Park. :evil

Sara McLachlan going up Bridal Veil Falls trail as we were coming down, asks “How much farther?”

Smoking a bowl with Adam Duritz before his set(he actually seemed a little nervous). Hanging out with Ed Helms in VIP discussing the health benefits of guacamole and why it isn’t a toothpaste flavor. Running into Chris Thile on the street has also become an annual tradition, he’s a very accessible musical genius. Waiting in line for a burrito with Vince Herman and his son, he seems like a rad dad.

My favorite story was the RRE bathroom 3 am concert… I think that was the year of the Eggs Benedict and the Jailhouse boys were tired and cranky… Funny when they realized who they shooed away in the morning.

What’s the best?? Waking up nearly every morning last year to Lewarchik (my man’s last name)! Hit the Showers!!! through the tents in Vince’s gruff morning voice!!! :lol Although seeing Chris Pandolfi impromptu picking with Adam and Joe from Head for the Hills about 3 in the morning was pretty cool a couple years ago too!

Members of GSBG hanging out in “primitive” after their nightgrass show (and the morning of Anders’ & Paul’s
Songs in the Key of Michigan/Hungover.) But Town Park will do that to ya…