So let's talk about what's left for TBF '10...

First, a riddle. Contained here you’ll find the next artist…if you can put the clues together.

Much like the Telluride Bluegrass Festival, the aging process is important. Fermented wine is an age old tradition, though I find myself without the proper pallet to transport myself to it’s youthful sophistication. I will work on managing this task, perhaps on my next trip to Alaska…or maybe Texas.

Go. :evil

Okay, I’m stumped. :huh But I’ll guess Bearfoot. They are youthful and most of the band is from Alaska I believe…

Ringo Starr, its gotta be.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

OK serious now! :lol

Not from Alaska.

The first and last name of the artist is buried in the clues.


:lol no.

Lyle Lovett . . .


Jeeze i thought Ringo was it.

Well lets think. Wine is red. Texas and Alaska are both red states. HOLD ON!!! Managing, thats the same as governing. Who is a republican from a red state that was a Governor. I KNOW MAYBE THE GOVERNOR OF ALASKA!!! WHO ALMOST TRANSPORTED HERSELF TO THE WHITE HOUSE!!!

THE ANSWER IS (drum roll!!!))


Where is my free ticket?

:lol :lol :lol And I thought it was someone named Ethel? :lol :lol

OK so how am I suppose to go back to work now…

give ya lil bugger. Who?
Yer killing meeeee… WHO??

So what’s the story here, Dustin? These clues don’t mean anything when you’ve got no one to tell them to…

Hmmmm . . . Brandi Carlile?

OK I’m stupid. :lol And you have my full attention…

Don’t make me come down there :flower

Fermented wine = Brandi
transport = Car

Then, I’m not sure. . . lile, as in Lyle Lovett?

Brandi has a song with the lyrics

this story don’t mean anything when you’ve got no one to tell them to


OK, too far fetched.

How about with her managing manager, Gregory Alan Isakov?


Ladies and Gentlemen…I give you your next 2010 Bluegrass artist…

Brandi Carlile


“Fermented wine” = Brandy …“though (with an) I”

Transportation = car
Transportation management to AK = Carlile Transportation Systems – Shipping and Logistics to Alaska (and texas)
Google was your only hope here. :lol

Well done KS. :cheers

KS nailed this! :thumbsup

How about instant 420 status for KS?

That was fun. When do we get our next riddle?

Once I figure it out. :lol