Should I Bring Skis, Mtn bike, or fishing pole

I know there is still a lot of snow in the mountains. I was wondering if a local, or someone there already could tell me what I’d be best off bringing this year. Is the river high and muddy? Do you think any of the Mountain Village bike trails will be open. Any ski touring from the gondola mid station?

Traveling from Idaho and trying to consolidate load. Thank you!

Bike for sure even if the MTN Village trails aren’t open still plenty to ride. Don’t think there’ll be any decent skiing easily accessed from the Gondola, but you could drive up Ophir pass and probably do some hike in runs. Fishing is always possible, but probably better at one of the mountain lakes as I’m sure the river is getting it pretty good right now.

^ this

They won’t let you out of the gondola at the mid-station with ski/snowboard gear, but I imagine there’s still plenty of snow at the top of 9 if you wanted to hike it. There’s plenty of snow in Ophir & the back country in general too. The rivers are really starting to swell and are very turbulent. I imagine they’ll be moreso as time moves along … possibly even causing some issues in some spots.

Just went up Bear Creek for the first time yesterday and saw the remnants of a huge avalanche that took out an enormous swath of forest not too far from the falls. There’s currently a “snow / debris bridge” that starts where the rock stacks were located and goes about 100 yards up stream. I walked across it, but while doing so the thought did occur to me about the potential energy that’s currently encapsulated in the snow that has yet to melt. I was definitely a site to see! Having said that, I can’t express the joy I felt at how easily mother nature scrubbed the graffiti off of herself!!!

I hope my wife and I can hike Bear Creek and see the new look. That has always been our favorite easier hike.

The photo in this article is of the west side of the trail … where the avalanche ramped up after crossing the river.