setting International alarm clock- pls confirm time zone for ticket sale

Hi campers,

What with summer time here and the nine million time zones there I’m slightly nervous about what time to set my alarm tomorrow - it’s either 2am, 3am or 4am my time.

Can I please get confirm of the onsale time and exact time zone for entering waiting room and sale time please?

This matters a lot for those of us so far away, thanks, nervous but excited.

Hoping to see everyone again in our happy place.


Mountain time.

It’s definitely not summer time here with the high temperature of around zero and lows -15 and the sun settings before 4:20. And now you’re worried about losing some sleep to get tickets for a festival whose main purpose seems to be that of deprivation of sleep. We will see you when it’s our summer in the box canyon.

We are 18 hours behind you (Melbourne) here in Colorado. So 09:00 MST means 03:00 on sale time for you. Someone should please check my math!

Yes, the sale starts at 3:00 am Melbourne time so you have to get on the site starting at 2:00 am

Thanks team! Good luck everyone. I’m trying not to think about the numbers I drew every day for the tarp run. I reckon I will still be right if I draw 799 again won’t I?

Festival :butterfly::clap::butterfly::clap:

Checking in to make sure you’re awake!

Yes, up and in the queue. Thanks

Waiting in line for a festival where are the Bloody Mary’s?

Paging Debbie!!

I love my festivarian family

Who needs some Buckeye vodka?

322 Ahead of me

1731 ahead of me !!! Not gonna hold my breath… :eek

And my bloody mary is gone. :wink:

I can’t complete it. I need a US address!

10:10 CST and I’m down to #917. Shoulda brought 2 gallons of bloodys to work today. :cheers

use my office address?
6636 Cedar Ave #201
Richfield MN 55423

I had four camping tickets and it would not let me complete my purchase because I did not have a US address. I’m completely crestfallen.

How could this happen?

It would only let me complete my purchase with US address which obviously I don’t have. I tried everything to add options but it timed out

Now going back to bed feeling broken hearted

I’m down to # 297. If I get yours, you can have them!

And, sorry, that won’t be me. The numbers shrunk quickly when the TPs sold out, I’m guessing.

I put in for four but it only had two left, maybe the last two. So it looks like we have to put our fingers in the virtual air for the other two as well.