Season's Greetings from Planet Bluegrass

Happy Holidays from Planet Bluegrass…

** 2008 Planet Bluegrass Holiday video **



Happy Holiday’s to my favorite people…

My Festivarian Family


   :hug :kiss :hug Happy Holidays!! :hug :kiss :hug 
                                :deer :deer

Holiday Love to some of my favorite people!

I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful holiday.


That was awesome!!! Thanks!! :thumbsup

That just brings to heart good times for all. Thanks for that PB.

Be of Good Cheer.


thanks for the video
alywally and I enjoyed it very much
good to see and hear bit and pieces of the magic
especially Glen Hansard and the Swell Season :thumbsup
merry christmas to all

just wanted to say,


[b]and to all a good night…
happy new year
by the way, new years day is my birthday!

anyways, merry christmas!!![/b]aly wally :deer :hop

Thank you for that great taste of last summer. Glen’s passion really grips me, so raw and real. I can feel his vibe, really powerful. What a great festival, everything , all of it.
:dance HOTDOG!! :dance
Let’s do it again!

A Heyday indeed! What a wonderful way to celebrate the current holiday by remembering our big summer blowout of a holiday! :thumbsup

:cheers Here’s to the magic of each and every season we celebrate together! :cheers

Love You All!
Auntie Hope :pickin :green