HEYO New Englandahhs!! Anyone else going to this freakin’ amazing show in lebanon NH next week!?? AHHHH!!! I can hardly contain myself! I’ll be there, third row center baby, YEAH!!!
Is that an invitation?
you’re welcome to stay at my sister’s trout hatchery! it would be a a true up no’th experience
I was just down the road as it happens - ugh - but had another obligation that weekend. :huh
too bad . . . it was amazing! got to hang out with sammy for a while after the show too!
Whoa! That’s awesome. Care to share some more details??? :cheers
Yes, more details please. :hop
We are so very jealous and so we need to feel like we were there also.
Please, please, please
Ha! Sorry, iffy internet at my house . . . The show was in a small venue in NH, and Sam was out in the lobby afterwards to sign stuff. I was one of only 5 people wanting to meet him (weird, i know), and when he saw me coming to the table in my Run-a-muck gear and T-ride t-shirt, he gave me a big, “we’ll hello there! great telluride festival this year, ay?”. he talked my ear off! Tom, I told him hello like you’d asked me too . . . he seemed surprised that I knew you! SOO, as some of you know, i’ve picked up the mandolin and have been practicing my behind off (at least two hours every day, for like three months). When i told Sam this, he gave me an incriminating look and said “let me see me your fingers”. Thankfully, i had calluses almost as bad as his, so he couldn’t nab me for lying about practice time. i believe his exact words were, “DAMN GIRL!” We ended up chatting for a while! And he gave me the pick he used during the show. I use it every day! it was great . . . ah! Such a great ending to an amazing weekend of music! I’ll post the picture i took with him up here soon! he signed my mando and wrote a message to me on my case too, which I’ll be showing off a t-ride this year Oh, he says hello to all the festivarians, and says can’t wait to see us all again next year!
Ha! Sorry, iffy internet at my house . . . The show was in a small venue in NH, and Sam was out in the lobby afterwards to sign stuff. I was one of only 5 people wanting to meet him (weird, i know), and when he saw me coming to the table in my Run-a-muck gear and T-ride t-shirt, he gave me a big, “we’ll hello there! great telluride festival this year, ay?”. he talked my ear off! Tom, I told him hello like you’d asked me too . . . he seemed surprised that I knew you! SOO, as some of you know, i’ve picked up the mandolin and have been practicing my behind off (at least two hours every day, for like three months). When i told Sam this, he gave me an incriminating look and said “let me see me your fingers”. Thankfully, i had calluses almost as bad as his, so he couldn’t nab me for lying about practice time. i believe his exact words were, “DAMN GIRL!” We ended up chatting for a while! And he gave me the pick he used during the show. I use it every day! it was great . . . ah! Such a great ending to an amazing weekend of music! I’ll post the picture i took with him up here soon! he signed my mando and wrote a message to me on my case too, which I’ll be showing off a t-ride this year
Oh, he says hello to all the festivarians, and says can’t wait to see us all again next year!
That is just so cool!
Here we are!! I tried to resize it, but made it a little small. ya’ll know I’m not very good with these darned computers . . .
but you get the idea!! ahh! how awesome :thumbsup
(can you see the run-a-muck tags?? hehe)
AHHHHHHHHHHHH, Sammy what beautiful good vibe he provides. I want to box em up , clone em and keep one fer me :flower