Did he “apologize” or “stick it to us” (in a very subtle manner)?
I thought it was a very interesting combination of both. Perhaps it was a “left-handed apology” of sorts … almost as if there was a confident self re-affirmation embedded within his change in trajectory from the last go around; giving listeners what they wanted", and at the same time “proving” he could do it extremely well. It was almost like a peasant figuring out a very clever way to maintain one’s autonomy and dignity while showing up the nobility without giving cause for further retribution from the powers that be.
Would’ve loved to have heard a Magnolia Mountain, but was very pleased with what he and the ISD/NB delivered!
I can’t wait for the recordings … simply to transcribe the banter!
I felt like he redeemed himself pretty well. I was extremely disappointed to see him on the lineup in the first place, but then I thought that an afternoon solo acoustic set might actually be bearable. What we got was Ryan Adams and the Ringers, so to speak. I believe he’s probably too self absorbed to be capable of any sort of remorse or apology, but simply moving forward and playing a show that was appropriate for the setting is close enough for me.
Would have been nice if he allowed his set to be streamed. I was stuck at home and missed festival this year. Was looking forward to streaming his set to see if he “brought it” this year.
I think he wants to hang with Nicki. Who wouldn’t? Seriously, I think the Dusters are a little too big to back him up. Maybe a trio, or 4tet would have sounded better. “Come Pick Me Up” and “Holy Diver” are still pretty cool. The guy can definitely bring it, but you take your chances.
Now if he’d invited Neil Finn to join him for a tune, that would be a redemption song if there ever was one.
I, and those around me thought the set was dull, and lacked any punch, even with the Dusters on board.
He talked too much in between songs, about nothing, and would have been better served turning the Dusters loose to pick up the pace.
It was a waste of a good early evening slot, that should have had the “Lil Smokies” playing in his slot, and Ryan at 11AM.
The Smokies killed it, and had they been playing in Adams slot, rather than 11AM, would have brought the house down.
LOL, Ryan Adams doesn’t owe you festivarians a God Damn thing. I’m surprised any of you were able to hear his set amongst all the incessant babbling in the crowd; which gets worst by the year, btw. I’m glad most of you were able to get over yourselves, and your manufactured disdain, in order to enjoy his hour and fifteen minute set.
I don’t get this :huh, don’t the festivarians buy the tickets with hard earned cash? And don’t the musicians get paid to show up and perform? How/why is anyone playing onstage if someone isn’t buying tickets, or their music?
Mandhoe, you seem to be quite angry in your posts…again?!? Is something owed to you, or anyone? Disdain is being ‘manufactured’ by your incessant complaining about the crowd, and other’s opinions, IMO. Real festivarians are able to discuss their likes, and dislikes w/o a barrage of bad language, and insults. Yes, this something many of us learned about you some time ago, but if you could, please lighten up a little, OK? :cheers
(or not, and continue to be the PB festiTroll)
Funny, no one was talking while the Smokies were killing it during their 11AM Sat set.
Ryan Adams, what a waste of the Stringdusters time, and should have been playing in the Smokies slot, so everyone could get a nap in early.
Emmy Lou wasn’t a high energy set, but played with class, and everyone loved her timeless songs and stories.
Adams was a snooze fest all the way around. The lines at the food trucks always tell the story lol
I’m going to reiterate my appreciate for Ryan Adams’ set … it was a very nice departure IMO from the norm of the “Groudhog Day” TBF lineups (this not to say the “fixed” cast of musicians aren’t stellar) from year to year. Likewise, it was heartening to see “Bill Murray” reach out to lend a helping hand to the red headed stepchild to bring Ryan into the fold for a second chance.
With respect to banter: I find it interesting how Ryan Adams is sometimes shunned for his stark individualism whereas someone such as Neil Young, who exhibits a slightly different flavor of same sort of onstage shtick, is embraced … and I’m a huge fan of Neil, so I’m not discounting the vast catalog of music he’s created … I just don’t believe a musician/artist needs to be “accomplished” prior to having a personal opinion.
Regarding the musical interplay: perhaps the naysayers will simply give the ISD the lion’s share of the credit for being able to back up even though most drunken and haggard “singer songwriter” found on the street extremely well (which I wouldn’t dispute), but to my ears it sounded as if there was a definite cohesion and flexibility to the way this make-shift ensemble came across … which is extremely impressive given their virtually impromptu get together.
I agree, the set was mostly subdued, but shouldn’t any “criticism” of it’s placement be directed at PB vs. Ryan Adams? Peter Rowan is always shuffling the deck re: the ensemble he’s a part of as well as the type of music he plays & seems to be content playing during the day … this year his set was very subdued, but have seen stark contrasts in years past where his set’s were full on & electrified. Shouldn’t PR do whatever he wants re: his ensemble & the type of set … regardless of when his set is slotted during the day?
Here’s an article / review re: Ryan Adams I came across recently:
Adams has no history with the Infamous Stringdusters. Word around Telluride is that they met for the first time a day or two before the show, and practiced together very briefly. So how did they get together? Text messages between Adams and Bluhm started the process, then he and the Stringdusters planned the gig by further texts. Adams told us that a band member texted a message about a particular song, “F sharp to G sus”. Adams texted back, “#what?” After telling that story he introduced the next song by saying to the boys in the band, “Capo second, J flat, suspension of disbelief.”
I don’t understand why Ryan Adams owes anyone an apology for his set in 2008? That set was unbelievable! Highlight of my 1st TBF. The Cardinals played the same type of electric sets they had been playing for the past couple years that night, so if that isn’t your sort of thing, fair enough… but why an apology? Really confused by this. :huh
It has nothing to o with them playing an electric set; it has everything to do with Ryan being too drunk to play that night. That was also my first TBF and I thouht it was an unbearable set.