We just scored tickets to this year’s festival and now need to figure out where to park our 19 ft rv with our dog. Any suggestions?
We are TBF newbies.
Well, you might be able to find a park at Ridgway, or maybe oray, and drive back and forth. Unfortunately there are no dogs allowed on any Planet Bluegrass campgrounds, or in the festival. There may be a chance you can get a vehicle pass for Mary E. Illium. But Not sure what the length restrictions are. I THINK it’s only 14ft. It’s a pretty steep hill in and out, with a couple of sharp turns. There are kennels in the area for you dog if you are still in need.
Vehicles up to 22 ft are allowed at Mary E. Illium. As Skyrunner said, it’s an official PBG campground for the festival so no pups allowed.
You’ll do Fido and yourself a favor by either boarding in the area or finding a friend back home to take care of him/her. Pretty sure Ridgway State Park is the closest you can get an RV without being in a PBG campground. About an hour drive time each way, and there is little to no shade during the day. You’ll both be much happier if you can just enjoy the fest without worrying about the dog or the drive. :flower
Unless your dog is stuffed with cotton, in which case never mind.
One other choice that’s not too far away and dog friendly is Cayton.
You’d have to leave the dog at camp and drive to Mountain Village every day to park the car, but it’s better than spending an hour on the road.
Congratulations on the tickets. Skubes knows what she is talking about! She is an accomplished “shape shifter” and has to maintain her human form for 10 days at fest! Your best bet is to board the dog at home, ditch the RV, and stock up on good quality camping gear! Or look into a Condo! :pirate
And remember this…
Dogs have no sense of time. They know you leave. They know you come back. That’s the extent of their knowledge of your vacation.
To add to what Tom said above, there’s also Matterhorn and Sunshine campgrounds off 145 north of Lizard Head Pass.
Some spots at Matterhorn can be reserved, I think. Last time we stayed there, Matterhorn had hot showers onsite.
The festival is just a part of our summer RV adventure, so the dog comes with. Sounds like a kennel might be a good option. Can you suggest one? Or maybe there’s a local who watches über cute and sweet dogs?
We appreciate all your advise!
From another thread on the subject:
Some of these places may no longer be in business, I’m not sure.
That first one is not physically located in Telluride, it’s in Redvale about an hour away.I also cannot recommend them as my dog did not appear to have a good time while I was at TBF. Couple of negative Yelp reviews as well.
You may consider staying at the KOA campground in Ouray (actually between Ridgway and Ouray) and kennel your K9 in Ridgway (right on the way from the KOA to T-ride). Here’s the link to the kennel.
I’ve camped at the Ouray KOA a few times over the years and it is a great campground … 45-50 minute drive to Telluride.