Restrooms at Mary E. Ilium campground?

Are there any restrooms for campers at the Mary E. Ilium campground?

Yes there is. But they are porta-potties. They do clean them once a day so they are not sooooo bad.

I’d love to see Bonnie Raitt back sometime. Maybe this time Sam will get to sit in with her!

Somehow having Sam “sit in” with Bonnie just doesn’t seem to fit into a discussion of porta Potties. That visual may haunt me for a while!

But just imagine it :abduct …Bonnie & Sam doing an impromptu jam ‘near’ the portos @ MEI? I’d ride the bus for that… :flower

Whoops, wrong thread! That was supposed to go in the hint and whisper thread.

As far as misplaced posts go, I have to say that this one was pretty epic!

I would be all in for

I would be all in to see that one…for a little bit anyway :wink: