Ready for that protest yet?

Can’t seem to find a poll feature on the new message board, so I guess it’s a free form question this year.

Over the past couple of years, I’ve found it difficult to be completely immersed in the bliss of festivals as a temporary sanctuary. It goes far beyond Covid.

I wonder what Sam might say at this point? I suspect he’s now about ready to “turn this car around” (because people aren’t behaving and may have lost his representative voice).

I’m not sure I am understanding what you’re saying, FaceOnMars.
To me, the Festivarian spirit is alive and well.


Hello cvarner, sorry for coming out of left field. I wasn’t questioning the Festivarian spirit, as it certainly does appear to be alive and well.

I had started 2 or 3 polls over the years since 2017; asking whether people would be interested in participating in some form of protest against Trump outside of the venue. Understandably, the response was typically lopsided, with few people having such an interest. All previous polls were before January 6, 2021, Roe v. Wade, and most recently as I had alluded to: the abuse of power in Tennesee. I could go on and on but will spare everyone.

I totally get it about wanting to leave all this behind for a 4+ day break from it all, but how is it not now legitimate to question how much longer such a “bubble” (from negative forces) will last? I’m not on red alert at this moment, but it’s definitely flashing yellow … especially with covid in the mix. This could easily change to orange or red by next year (not just for TBF, but all crowds).

If it gets to such a point, might it be fair to ask if those who’ve regularly enjoyed “losing themselves” in festivals/concerts have done all that we can to leverage the power of said fanbase (by protests) to affect meaningful change to avert such things?

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I would protest trump attending TBF, otherwise I find it unconnected and no need for protest.


I get where you’re coming from, FaceOnMars. There used to be a more overt liberal bias to the Festival that I kind of miss now. Remember Gumbo Wobbley onstage between acts opining about some liberal cause? That’s been years ago. I guess it’s a bit “safer” now.

While Trump may have been the central subject matter in my previous polls years ago, at this point, I would suggest the broader threat of authoritarianism might be a more appropriate target to protest now; however, it doesn’t necessarily need to take the form of a protest; instead, it could take the form of a demonstration in support of Democracy, accountability, truth, and love of one another.

If there needs to be a specific connection: if Sam Bush is the “King of Telluride”, would it be too far of a leap to consider Nashville to be a “sister” city of Telluride? If so, do they not deserve our support and show of solidarity? On a related note: it’s possible there might be a trial involving gun violence in Telluride right around the time of the festival:

I’m just thinking out loud at this point and have no specific ideas, but rather just trying to raise the general issue.

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cv: personally, I’ve abandoned all political ideological goals - other than those which contribute to the “essential life support” of our nation - and am instead focused entirely on standing up for Democracy and against authoritarianism.

What’s the point of calling shots, this cue ain’t straight in line.

Nope, nada, it’s fessttiivvallll. Don’t make it about politics!


Agree 100%. Enjoy the vibe.

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What about a coup attempt = politics?

There’s great movie from 2004 called Downfall:

There’s a scene in which Eva Braun is dancing on the tables along with a large crowd still partying it up; all while Russian artillery falls down upon them. They’re oblivious until a shell penetrates the actual building.

Of course, that is an extremely inverted “opposite day” example of the sort of “bubble of sanctuary bliss” of TBF. Likewise, our present-day situation might not be as imminently dangerous, but the clock is ticking. What if this is the last summer where you feel safe to even participate in a show of solidarity in support of the truth, and to leverage the power of love and light?

What about protesting guvment authority in general? Overtaxing and overspending. Protest utilizing the cheap strategic petroleum reserves to try to offset the rising gas prices, only to refill it at 4 times the price? Maybe depleting our military reserves (armaments etc) supporting a war in the Ukraine?

Honestly, I’d rather protest the sax player who backs up Tedeschi Trucks. Dang he was off key during his jams(???).

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Nope, just nope. I prefer to spend my time at TBF free of politics, protests or any other such things. I don’t even want to have to think about controversaries of any kind.


100% agree, could not have said it better @Granny1Pibb, the whole point of festival is to remove yourself from that kind of stuff and just relax and have fun, there will be party’s but not political party’s! There is a time and a place for such things but it is definitely not before or during Feessttiivvaaallllll.


Well, that’s kinda it, right?

Why go to such an extreme for something that isn’t all that significant?

I’m not one to break the glass if it’s not an emergency.

Our Constitutional order continues to be under assault. When Trump floated the idea of ditching the Constitution, why shouldn’t we take him seriously in light of the mountain of evidence; much of which has unfolded before our eyes.

Again, I was referring to a “protest” in my prior polls over the years but would be all for a demonstration of unity for the truth, accountability, the Constitution, and the rule of law.

In what world would a display of solidarity for such principles be controversial?

Hah! Legendary tenor saxophonist Kebbi Williams?! The off-key sound is jazzzzzz they say. He’s known for his dissonance. Organized chaos. I know whatcha mean though.

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How about just go and enjoy the music and the time spent in Telluride? That’s the purpose of this festival and to make it political in my eyes is really not ok.


This is absolutely disgusting, from a fesrivarian standpoint. Leave politics out of it. I have Trump supporters who attend and they never once mention politics. They look and act like hippies but vote for less taxation and less govement. Let’s just all get along. Yeesh.


You have a voice of reason. Thank you.

How might a show of solidarity to support the Constitution, rule of law, and truth be antithetical to the “festivarian spirit”?

If anything, might said spirit be dependent upon said principles as a necessary foundation to exist in the first place?

^ Might it be possible there are unscrupulous players who have been stirring the pot of the larger “festivarian” spirit and we’ve simply been pitted against one another? See: Dominion v Fox lawsuit that is unfolding this week.

FYI: In the 21st Century, I voted for Ralf Nader and Gary Johnson (twice). This is not about “politics” for me. It’s about preserving legitimate Constitutional order.