Ramblin’ Pickin’-Neophyte Blues

Playing bluegrass (on guitar) has always been really intimidating to me. For 20 (casual) years or so, I’ve stuck with folk and other genres (classic rock, blues). I started playing ukulele (also just casually) a few years back and love it. A few months ago I decided to conquer my finger-pickin’ fears and I bought a banjo. I’ve had two lessons and am thinking I’ll bring what I’m more comfortable with (my guitar).

Someone convince me to fall off the fence and land on my banjo.

bring it all

Ya Matt,

Stuff that RV to the gills. Give yourself some options!

Guitar fiddle banjos just having a tuff time finding a spot for this damn harmonica… ughh :argh gunna hafta leave it… just can’t fit it ALL

Thanks for the encouragement, y’all. And why, of course, TRL, I store my harmonica in the bench seat of the baby grand. :band